Dealing with pimples and dealing with pimple scars are two different things. After undergoing all the troubles of handling your pimples, your battle is not over until you have eliminated the marks they left as well. Acne scars are the last thing you want people to see in your face. They can ruin your appearance if you don’t treat them immediately. However, instead of spending some fortune on commercial anti-scar products, why not experiment with some homemade remedies that are safer and less expensive?

Essential oils are among the most beneficial natural remedies for skin problems. Lavender oil is one you can trust when attempting to get rid of acne scars. Mix lavender oil with some water in a small bowl. Dip a cotton ball into it, and use it to treat your scars. Just leave the solution overnight and continue to perform this routine twice a day until you see the scars gradually disappearing.

Honey is also used as home remedy for different skin problems. It’s a natural moisturizer and can make a good homemade facial. Aside from that, honey can also be used in eliminating acne scars. Using some cotton swab, take some honey and apply it directly to your skin. It’s moisturizing effect will soon smoothen your skin and improve your complexion. It could take a while before this remedy would take effect so it would be best to perform the procedure once a day for one week.

Another popular natural skincare ingredient you can try is green tea. Green tea rose to popularity because of its many benefits to the skin. Thanks to its antioxidant content, green tea can be used to restore skin that’s marked by acne scars. Brew some green tea and allow it to cool for a few minutes. Dip a cotton ball into it and apply to your skin. There’s no need to rinse off the formula so you can just leave it in your skin overnight.

We all know that cucumber slices are widely used as home remedies for several skin conditions, and yes, you can also use cucumber to get rid of acne scars. This time though, you won’t need cucumber slices but fresh cucumber juice instead. Take some of the extracted juice and apply it to your face. Let it settle for at least 20 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water. Not only will this method help you vanish some scars, but it will also improve your complexion in a significant way.

There are other natural ingredients out there that you can try, but so far, the ones mentioned above are among the top natural remedies for acne scars. By incorporating these techniques into your daily skincare regimen, you won’t have to spend so much anymore on some products that do not work for you.

Author's Bio: 

Jennifer Anne Paige recently published a must-read article on skin care tips. The site also has lots more information on anti aging skin care. Click to read up on it now.