If truth be told, the amount of research conducted on the plant-life in this world is absolutely tiny when compared to the types and different kinds of plants which grow on Earth. Of course, a lot of this greenery and plants not only help us make our environment better by consuming CO2 and expelling Oxygen for us humans and animals alike to breathe, but they are also very prolific when it comes to being industrially useful. Think of it like this, we wouldn’t have paper if it weren’t for plants, and we wouldn’t have wood if it weren’t for trees, but the most important thing we wouldn’t have without this greenery and plants, are medicines that we use to cure any ailment. Plants help us manufacture so many industrial-grade medicines, from herbs, from seeds, even the leaves of these plants are nothing but a source of medicines for us human beings.

And among the plethora of plants that are nothing but beneficial for us, is Hemp. Hemp belongs to the non-psychoactive category of Cannabis, so for all the enthusiasts out there, bad news, Hemp can’t send you to cloud 9. But for the people who are looking at the benefits of Hemp from a totally scientific and medicinal point of view, you won’t be disappointed. The uses of Hemp are plenty and they are not even limited to medicine, but to general science as well, food, cosmetics, paint, flour, concrete, clothes, and even paper products are made from this amazing little plant. But since we are talking about the benefits of this plant for medicinal purposes, let’s take a look at some of the top Hemp-based topical medicines in the world right now that brings a good name to this awesome herb.

Hemp-EaZe Therapy cream:

One of the best moisturizing agent, particularly because of the fact that it possesses a thick consistency. If you apply for this medicine on your skin, it will improve the blood circulation throughout your body while also helping with deep-lying tissue recovery. This ultimately, results in a brighter and a younger looking skin, and who doesn’t want that?

Pharmagene’s CBD Salve:

For all sorts of muscular pain,
Pharmagene labs have developed a CBD Salve with a very high concentration of CBD oil. Say goodbye to all muscular aches and joint pains, by only taking a handful of this balm and applying it over the affected area for quick and rapid absorption. One container of this product is packed with around 400mgs of CBD, which is all that you need for a pain-free life.

Hydrating Hemp Face Serum:

Exactly what you need in the line of topical medicines to treat your face with a rejuvenating freshness. This Hemp oil is highly concentrated and devoid of any impurity, so you should expect nothing but quality from this state of the art product. It has anti-aging topical medicine also makes use of phytonutrients and other essential oils to make it suitable for all skin types.

Cannabios Hemp Sunblock (SPF 50+):

If you like the sun coming up every day and want to enjoy every day and every beam of it, but worry that your skin might not be able to handle it, don’t worry anymore, because Cannabis have developed the perfect topical medicine for you. A hemp-based SPF 50+ sunblock that blocks about 98% of the Sun’s ultraviolet rays. Now you can enjoy all the time in the sun without thinking about both, the long-term and the short-term impacts, it has on your body.

SatiVera – Calming Hemp oil Cream:

The benefits of Cannabis and Hemp may only have been recently introduced to the west, but Asia and parts of Africa have been using this plant and reaping its benefits for as long as we can remember. Now, you can also gain advantage from this wonderful tropical medicine and make your life better. This medicine treats a lot of different ailments, from physical pain to beauty and sexual issues.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making, Fashion etc. It is my Hobby and passion.