Beauty comes from inside and outside, but most people just focus on what they put on their skin - makeup, creams, lotions, lipsticks, and so on. But the fact is that beauty comes from within really about - that's what you put into your body, not what you put on your body.

Here are Five nutrition and health advice over a beautiful looking skin.

1) Fruits and vegetables reduce oxidative stress, the process of collagen in the skin is damaged and causes wrinkles and fine lines. In addition, fruits and vegetables help to nourish the healthy cells, which makes your skin glow, can become more hydrated and healthier. In addition, fruits and vegetables are full of carotenoids are potent antioxidants and helps the skin look healthier and younger. Studies have shown that the most carotenoids in their skin look healthier, younger and more attractive to the opposite sex. Juice Plus + fruit and vegetable juice powder concentrate that has been found in several peer, published studies to increase carotenoids in human blood and can be a great way to make people healthier, more beautiful appearance Because the skin on impact on levels of carotenoids.

2) Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory and very good for skin cells. Indians eat far too many omega 6 fats and not enough omega-3. You can get more omega-3 fatty acids by eating fish on the high seas as salmon, nuts such as walnuts and pecans, seeds, hemp, flax, olive and avocado. Omega 3 fatty acids are not only great for healthy skin, help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, degenerative, autoimmune diseases, and much, much more! The truth is that your whole body is connected and when you feed the body right, you will improve your skin health and the health of the whole body. By improving the health area, everything else improves.

3) The sugar increases oxidative stress in the body and damage healthy skin. Sugar greatly affected by acne and other skin disorders. Just reduce the sugar intake can do wonders for the health of your skin. Sugar suppresses the immune system, increasing the risk of disease and infection, it is bit slow and tired, insulin levels, and in fact, sugar is a poison to act wisely and stay away from poison! Leather and family, thank you.

4) Processed foods are divided into sub-products and toxic acids in the body. Many of these products must be eliminated through the skin, damaging skin cells and wrinkles and increased acne. In addition, processed foods contain thousands of chemicals, artificial preservatives, sugars, artificial sweeteners, excitotoxins, and many other toxic compounds, pollutants and carcinogens that are better off without. So just say no to processed foods and eat more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

5) Trans fats are very harmful to human health. Every cell in your body to build a cell wall made up of fat. When built trans fats in the cell wall, which disrupts the normal functioning of the cell. This causes the skin cells have a rigid and inflexible, causing wrinkles and skin looking old.

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