Acne - the one word that many people around the world has suffered with throughout their whole life. It usually starts to appear in our early teens, when hormones are out of control. I remember starting to break out in Junior High. My acne would first appear on my forehead, then it will gradually go away and appear on my chin and go away once again and appear in a different area of my face. They will usually around my period and the summer. I was told not to pop pimples. I tried not to until one day a close relative of mine suggested I do so. That was the biggest mistake I ever did. Yes, it did go away for the moment but two days later I was surprised with 3 more pimples on the same area where the previous one had been popped. Not only did new pimples appear, they where huge and full of puss. My acne kept getting worst and worst. Sadly, I started off with one pimple and ended up with a handful. I was devastated. I didn't want to talk to anyone or go anywhere. I was completely embarrassed and depressed. I could not believe that I was an adult with so much acne. Many people who have never dealt with acne before will never know what it feels like for those who do suffer from it. Fortunately I learned how to deal with them and eventually get rid of them. Many years have passed and my skin is now under control. I learned to control my acne and most importantly learned how to love myself. The following is a few easy tips on how I got rid of my acne but most importantly, how I learned to prevent them from happening in the first place. I know personally what it was like to have pimples and I would have done anything to get rid of them. Hopefully these tips will help many with the same problem I had:

* Start the day off with a good facial cleansing routine. Wash your face twice a day with only an acne wash. Once in the morning and once at night. Use an on the spot treatment like Neutrogena. Neutrogena works great. Apply a small amount of the spot treatment directly on the pimple and surrounding areas. It is always a good idea not to overuse anything that has benzoyl peroxide especially if you have dry skin. Finish it off with a oil free moisturizer like Olay complete. Olay complete is 100% oil free, Non-Comedogenic (which means it does not clog pores) and most importantly, UV Skin Shield protection from the sun. Acne products tend to over dry the skin and dry skin can actually make it worst. I only use the moisturizer during the day. An alcohol-free astringent is also a good idea to use on your skin. I recommend using it only at night. Many use an astringent two to three times a day. Astringents tend to over dry your skin even if it is alcohol-free. I only apply it once a day just to be safe.
* Inhale and Exhale. Stress can make acne worst. When dealing with stress, try to relax. Take a walk, call an old friend, read a book, watch a favorite movie. Do not squeeze a pimple! I learned from that mistake. Squeezing a pimple can cause it to spread and even worst, it can leave to awful scars.
* Change your bed sheets frequently. Washing your bed sheets frequently can actually help control your acne. Duvet covers are awesome. They can be changed and washed as often as you like. What is a duvet cover? Just imagine a big beautiful pillow case for your comforter. They can easily change the look of your comforter. I use duvet covers and they have helped a great deal.
* Keep your hands away from your face. Your hands can carry millions of bacteria. It is always a good idea to wash your hands before touching your face even when apply any medication. The less you touch your face, the better.
* Exercise. Exercise will help to improve the circulation and overall health. Sweat gets rid of waste from your body.
* Get enough sleep. Your body tends to heal while you sleep. You can't expect your pimples to heal if you aren't catching any Zs.
* Eat healthy. I learned to eat more healthy and stay away from anything that is high in sugar and fat. Sugar causes unhealthy hormones and insulin levels in the body as well as inflammation.
* Drink plenty of water. I was not a big water fan but tried it anyway. i noticed a big improvement in my skin after drinking 8 glasses of water a day for a week. My skin looked more even and healthy.

I hope this article helps someone with their acne. Everyone skin is different. Just remember to be patient because your face takes time to heal. Before dealing with this "problem", make sure to love yourself first. When you learn to love yourself, acne will not such a big deal anymore. Thank you for reading and good luck.

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