It'S the middle of summer. Whether you’re just still yearning for a summer vacation or gearing up for your second or third destination adventure, it pays to have everything you might need while you’re away from the convenience and comfort of your all-too-familiar home.

Seven summer essentials you shouldn’t have to live without while you’re away

Here is a list of 7 things you want to make sure is packed away in your luggage before taking the weekend off:

1: Sunscreen and SPF makeup.

Never leave home without your sunscreen. Make your summer makeup SPF-protected as well. If you haven’t already been converted, it’s never too early to train yourself to consider sunscreen for the skin as an everyday must-have product, whether you’re expecting or not to get sun soaked. It isn’t just the Number 1 cause of skin aging but is also responsible for causing skin cancers among an estimated 2 to 3 million people worldwide that are according to World Health Organization estimates.

2: Bikini.

Above any piece of clothing, you can take with you; bikinis are the most important parts you should take your time to choose and fit carefully. These pieces only look great when they suit your body type, shape, and personality. The hottest Spring/Summer runway show was perhaps Tommy Hilfiger which was graced by the beautiful bodies of sisters, Gigi and Bella Hadid, clad in skimpy, crocheted, reggae inspired bikinis.

3: Bags.

Casual shopping totes, tan handbags, messenger bags, and nautical and floral printed bags are hot this season. Carry all your stuff with stylishly simple, straightforward carry-alls, no silly embellishments necessary, just a spirited attitude, a great posture and a catwalk to go with it are more than enough.

4: Sunglasses.

It’s not workable to have a stylish summer get up without chic and sleek sunglasses on. Well, this season, these eye protectors aren’t so slim and stylish after all. The trendiest sunglasses appeared to be the Shield and Rimless Sunglasses that give you a somewhat modern space look impression but which indeed remain wearable on the streets and of course the beach. Sure, the aviators were still there but, unless you don’t already own a pair, it’s high time you gave your eye style a good shuffle.

5: Flat, calf-length, strappy gladiator wedges.

With these and your white trainers, you have the killer duo you need to nail every trendy clothing this season. Remember those old combatants? Well, they’ve just

6: White trainers.

Turn sole-mates with this comfortable summer footwear. Complement your long slitted skirts, ribbed dresses, shorts, and loose, oversized trousers with this versatile pair. Love them for style and love them even more for permitting your toes and heels to walk with user ease.
Been upgraded with at least two-inch high wedges, making these a perfect pairing for all your casual summer wear.

7: Cropped top and slitted skirt.

Look instantly trendy and stylish whether you’re taking the plane or going on a road trip in this subtly sexy and super chic ensemble. The most stylish people from Kylie and Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid and Shailene Woodley to Diane Kruger, Katy Perry, and Selena Gomez are rocking this trend whether on the streets or the red carpet.


You may be excused for forgetting to pack any other item above but please don’t leave your product behind. Sensitive skin sunscreen goes beyond shielding your skin from harmful UV rays; this also helps you avoid skin irritations that are too often associated with chemical sunscreens.


Author's Bio: 

Addie Davison works as a health and beauty consultant for online websites and an independent researcher by profession. She had completed her studies from university of America and live in United State, Chicago. She always like to explore her ideas about health, fitness and  beauty . In her recent period ,she got an opportunity to explore. She has experience researching as a passion as well as profession.