I don't know about you, but I'm a bit tired of hearing all this conversation concerning the passing of the press release. Any time a new forum for promotion comes around, people want to write off press release distribution as old and outdated.

Guess what? They're wrong.

The press release remains alive and well, and even in this age of new media, press releases have accommodated to help businesses get valuable publicity for distributing their message.

Today's press release still helps firms get media coverage (even on blogs and podcasts today), and they are also able to supply SEO benefits.

The advantages of press release distribution are many. Listed below are 7 of these


1. All companies can benefit from press release distribution. Regardless of what industry you are in and no matter how big or small your business is, you may benefit from media release distribution. Even if you don't have that "Oprah narrative," you do have stories that may get you coverage in trade journals, magazines, sites, podcasts, and other books that cover your business. Of course, you can not get that publicity unless you tell your story.

2. Press release distribution is rather inexpensive. The only expense comes with hiring a media release distribution service to get the narrative from the hands of prominent media members. But even this is affordable, and when compared with paid advertising, press release distribution is virtually always the less expensive option.

3. You can boost your company's visibility. This is especially critical for small businesses, but even large corporations will need to struggle for customer mindshare. By adhering to a long-term media release distribution approach, you allow clients know exactly who you are, what you do, and why they need you. You also get the attention of journalists, and over time, they begin to trust you more and provide you more media coverage.

4. Press releases may establish you as a business expert. Why is it essential to be regarded as a professional? To begin with, experience helps you get the trust of your clients. Once they trust you, they're likelier to purchase from you. However, being an expert is also good for media relations. Whenever the press needs someone to comment on a story associated with your industry, you want to be the one they call on.

5. Great press releases can spread far and wide. A while back, I spoke about the value of targeting smaller local news outlets. One reason I gave is that many major media outlets get a considerable percentage of their tales from local media outlets across the world. That's how the news industry works. One reporter selects a story, and then it spreads from one book to the next.

6. Use your information to secure more customers. With today's internet media releases, the press is no more the only audience you are writing for. 80 million people get their news online daily. Many of these individuals are your clients. Thus, you will need to keep your customers in mind when writing your press releases. And no, that does not mean turning your press release into an ad.

7. Investors maintain all the news too. Press releases highlighting the successes and progress made by your organization can be useful tools for bringing investors. Make certain that you establish an online news area on your website for investors to navigate through.

For more information on news web sites and how they benefit the public by offering different viewpoints beyond mainstream media visit.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making, Fashion etc. It is my Hobby and passion.