The Top Four Things Women Really Hate about Men
Scientific research shows that there are certain aspects about men that women really hate.
From an endless list, as most men see it, here is the top 4 things women hate about men:

1. What women hate most about men is that men are natural liars.
Instinctively, no matter how harsh it seems, most women feel that men are a bunch of liars who would do just about anything to get what they want. Therefore women feel men are good at deceiving girls, especially to those they like.

2. The fact that men are completely unorganized is just one of the main quarrels between men and women. Since women are obviously prone to be obsessive compulsive, women can’t stand having men throwing their world into disarray, after just cleaning up after men. Apart from all of that, a woman will get easily annoyed when she sees the personal possessions of a man in chaos. When it comes to business, women bosses can become very enraged when they see the untidy desks of their assistants, especially those owned by men.

3. Physically speaking, women dislike it when men look like he’s undesirable or useless. Just like men who want women to look presentable all the time, women also want the same thing. No one would even think about dating a man who doesn’t appear to care of himself or his hygiene. Women put hygiene as a top priority for themselves as well as others. So if you want to meet or hook up with any woman, you need to consider improving you hygiene, such as brushing their teeth, combing your hair, trimming their nails, and shaving your chances with women.

4. To continue on, what women hate about men is when men start to get moody and short-tempered. Since women feel that moody and short-tempered trademarks are exclusively characteristics of woman, and men start encompassing the same feelings, all hell breaks loose and women start cursing profusely. These superficial traits will eventually turn all women off.

Knowing the top 4 things women hate about men, gives men a more reliable account of what women are thinking, so men can begin approaching more women with a better frame of mind. So set all your mood swings and short-temperedness aside and go out and have a beer or two and just relax before heading out on your conquest to meet the woman of your dreams.

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