Whether you sell lemonade or build skyscrapers, in order to be successful in business, you need customers. You can get customers through a variety of marketing programs, but we think that postcard marketing is one of the best kept secrets to growing your company. Want to know why? Read our list of 10 reasons below…

1. Postcard marketing is affordable and scalable, even for the smallest of businesses. Did you know it would only cost you less than $3 in postage to communicate directly to your customer once a month for a whole year! If you get on a consistent mailing schedule, they’ll expect to hear from you and you’ll be at the top of their mind.

2. When you’re marketing with postcards the only people who see it is you and your prospects. This is important, because you can test special promotions without your competition knowing. Do you have a special that’s creating a lot of interest? If you advertise it publically, your competition knows exactly what you are up to and may copy it.

3. Postcards are trackable. Make multiple postcard promotions and see which one generates the most interest. Make your postcard worth something so your customers will bring the postcard back into your store. They may even save it on the fridge and use it when they are ready. With trackable codes, you may notice that you’re still getting business from a postcard mailed months prior!

4. Postcards are versatile. During a single mailing you can both farm new prospects and remind prior customers that you’re still in business. With digital printing, your postcards messages can vary from card to card and market to market.

5. Your printed postcards can “brand” you and your business in ways that most marketing materials cannot. You don’t have to print postcards just to mail them. You can use your postcard as flyer, product brochure, rsvp card, or use it as a newsletter. You can use it for a variety of promotions AND still mail it. Printed postcards really are a multi-faceted marketing tool.

6. Testing an offer with postcards is easy. Just send your card to a small group of people and see how many respond. Tweak the offer or the price, and try again. Once you’re satisfied with the results, it’s time to roll out a bigger mailing! You can’t do that with a newspaper insert, or a magazine ad.

7. Postcards get read even if they get thrown away. How many times have you received a letter from a company you don’t recognize and just toss it into the garbage? A postcard will stand out in the mail with bright colors and get read by the recipient even if they aren’t interested in what you are offering. Did you know that USPS have shown that, on average, only 14 percent of letters get read? On the other hand, postcards have a 94 percent read-through ratio.

8. Postcards are easy to use and cost less than other direct mail programs. When preparing a mailing, the only costs are printing and mailing services. When mailing a letter, there are additional costs to fold and insert the letter. For postcard direct mail you get a superior product mailed for less money!

9. Postcards are a tangible piece of your brand. Unlike Online marketing your customers can determine the quality of your company by the quality of your marketing piece. What does your print materials say about you?

10. With postcard direct mail you can save as much as 70% off of the cost of a stamp. By barcoding addressed mail (which we can do for you ) we can reduce postage costs down to as low as 13.9 cents saving you over 30 cents off the cost of a stamp. With those kinds of savings, you are able to design, print and mail and still have money left over. When using direct mail postcards in quantities of over 200, don’t ever pay retail for postage again!

In conclusion, we think that postcard marketing is a no brainer. Whether you are mailing 200 postcards or 200,000, let us help you get the results you design.

We offer free expert consultation and ROI reports to help you determine if postcard marketing is right for your business.

Author's Bio: 

Stan Coyle has 25 years experience in Direct Mail marketing. He has taught seminars from New York to London and has settled in Tampa, Florida for a semi-retirement of fishing and relaxation. Not being able to leave work alone, he contributes to the success of postcard marketing customers all over the U.S. with his work at SonicPrint.com.

SonicPrint.com can help you with your Every Door Direct Mail marketing postcard programs. We have helped thousands of businesses with their postcard marketing and we are experts in the Every Door Direct Mail program.