TodoGator is an issue tracking application for teams on Slack.​

TodoGator helps you track tasks, bugs and manage projects more efficiently. It is simple, yet packed with great features for teams to get work done faster.

Feature Highlights

Add tasks from Slack
You can add tasks to your team-mates directly from Slack using slash commands. You can also click on the menu for any message and convert it into a task. You can also update status, add priority, description etc all from Slack itself.

Custom workflow
Every team follows a different workflow when it comes to managing projects. On TodoGator, you can customize the workflow to meet your team's needs.
Slack notifications - Whenever a new task is added or a status updated by a team member, you can get notified. This is fully customizable for each space within your workspace.

Spaces are like projects. You can create any number of spaces to manage your projects. Within spaces, you can create any number of lists to manage your tasks.

Keyboard shortcuts
Add tasks, update priority, status, assignee etc all using keyboard shortcuts. We are adding more keyboard shortcuts to make your experience faster.

Custom colors and labels
All labels and statuses are fully customizable based on your preference.

Dark mode
If you love dark mode interfaces, we have that too.

We have a full feature free version for upto 5 users. After that, you only pay for each additional user. Pricing is calculated on the number of users that are added to your workspace.

Author's Bio: 

Shibi Satheesh from Wiinnova Software Labs. Wiinnova Software Labs is the best mobile app development company in India