What about this statement resonates with you? If you’re a woman, I’m almost certain that it does in one way or another.

I say this not just because of my own training and background as a coach, but also because I’m a woman who is aware of her own needs for self-care and a healthy perspective on life, as well as a desire to share this awareness with others.

Very often, as women, we are so caught up physically and emotionally in taking care of the needs of other people first that we tend to lose focus on caring for ourselves. As a result, we end up in vicious cycle of self-defeat, acquiring limiting beliefs and habits that aren’t easily broken. Our children, spouses, elderly parents, and even the family pet, are each given their fair share of attention and nurturing, while we neglect our own inner well-being and outer bodies. Any initial progress we make towards reaching a desired goal takes a shift in the opposite direction and we can feel as though we are losing ground, and many times we are.

Is it that we somehow believe we don’t deserve to give ourselves the very best we can in all things pertaining to health and wellness? Have the demands of life taken such a toll that we are left depleted, too exhausted to provide the self-care we need?

In these situations, a Health and Wellness Coach who understands the role of women and the challenges women face can be of great value. A program that focuses exclusively on coaching women into better health and wellness will give solid instruction to anyone looking for a career in Women’s Health Coaching.

The goal of the Health and Wellness Coach is to help clients look at health through a holistic lens and address every aspect of daily living from a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual perspective. In doing so, coaches can empower their clients to achieve the healthy lifestyle they’ve been wanting for a long time but did not have the proper tools, strategies and confidence needed to get and maintain results.

Once a client decides to work with a Health and Wellness coach, the partnership begins. You now can come up with a plan of action for getting your client from where she currently is to where she wants to be. As you coach her to make the changes she is seeking in her life, you may uncover such topics as:

• Emotions and the role they play in physical and mental health
• Body and soul detoxification
• Joyful eating and weight loss
• The importance of physical exercise
Massage and bodywork
• Tapping into passions and pleasures
• Sex, love and intimacy
• Financial fitness and wealth creation

Each of these areas is monumental to a woman’s ability to achieve whole body wellness and allow her to live the life she was born to live!

As a Health and Wellness Coach, you will be instrumental in creating a new dimension of living for your clients. At the same time, you will be motivating hundreds of women to make significant positive changes in their lives. You will also be improving yours as well.

And, always remember, “To Thine Own Health Be Good!”

Author's Bio: 

Frankie Doiron is the Founder and CEO of Impact Coaching Academy. She has been a leader in the coaching industry for over 10 years. She understands the needs of those people interested in training to be a coach, as well as coaches who are new or experienced in the profession. She has the expertise and desire needed to identify solutions designed to help coaches achieve the success they want and deserve. For more information, please visit Impact Coaching Academy's website.