Every year we head into the holidays with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Who can forget Bridget Jones’ holiday party singing that was tone deaf in oh-so-many ways.

Here are a few ways to play it safe without neutering the holidays and boring yourself and others to tears:

- send holiday cards

- wish people Happy New Year

- look at company parties as an opportunity to stretch your professional skills in the social arena

- keep the hard partying and too-hot-to-handle clothes for partying with your friends, because company parties are work, period

- be genuine and enjoy the season!

Copyright 2010 Michelle Randall. All rights reserved.

Author's Bio: 

Trusted advisor to business leaders worldwide, Michelle Randall, President of Enriching Leadership International, applies her "honed sixth sense for business" to create breakthrough results. Her executive coaching and business consulting clients include senior executives at Fortune 500 companies, business owners, high-raking political leaders and their teams. For more information: http://www.enrichingleadership.com.