Here are 7 tips to stimulate financial freedom. They can also benefit your Relationship desires, your vibrant Health, and your other most treasured desires.

Choose whichever feels the most necessary to you. Of course, you can do all of them. However, my intention in sharing them is to ease your life's burdens not add to them. So, choose carefully for maximum effectiveness with least effort.

Clean your windows.
Clean windows brings clarity and care to communication with children and employees. Of course, it isn't necessary that you clean them ... just that someone does.

Make sure your doors can open completely.
Stuff behind a door that keeps it from opening easily and fully, narrows your choices and opportunities. It also fosters misunderstandings between peers.

Move 9 of your favorite symbols to new locations.
This is an especially effective way to stimulate new ideas and fresh perspectives. Literally, your home offers different views. It used to be my practice to find the "perfect" place for a particular object and leave it there, essentially forever. Moving your favorite things gives you a lift as you encounter them in fresh places.

The effect is magnified when you place your symbols in alignment with the feng shui grid. You may choose to take a Wealth & Lifestyle symbol from its area in one room and move it to the Wealth & Lifestyle area in another, shifting the one/s there to another room's Wealth area, and so on.

Clear out 9 small areas.
No matter how tidy a person you are, I'll bet you have a few pockets where clutter collects. I'm a very tidy person, as you may imagine. Still, off the top of my head I can think of three drawers in my Kitchen that gradually become "re-cluttered", one of which is now ripe for clearing!

Make sure to make these clearing projects small -- a half-hour job, max. You might do one/day for 9 days, or one every other day for 18 days. Make them easy and rewarding. Feel free to develop a habit of mini-clearing sessions -- as long as they stay mini!

Clear out your car, especially if your work involves a commute or travel to clients' locations.
Keeping your vehicle tidy and clean opens up fresh opportunities and often brilliant intuitive solutions to life's puzzles: personal and business.

Clean the dust off the leaves of your plants.
The plants are healthier and the gentle attention you give each leaf handles your intentions with care, as well. Gently cleaning the leaves of a plant in the Relationship Area of your office affirms your intentions to handle clients with care, too. If you have LOTS of plants, make sure you have great music and stop whenever you find yourself rushing.

Affirm your freedom to relax and renew by cleaning your patio furniture.
When your play areas are ready for fresh use, you automatically create a life that allows you the time to enjoy your leisure.

Remember, every little thing you do with clear intention is powerful. Cleaning the leaves of one plant, helps. Making sure the front door, especially, opens fully and easily, helps. Rearranging the objects on your bedside table, when done with intention, helps.

Now, decide which stimulant tip/s you are going to do, then do something else. Like read a magazine, take a walk, call a friend on the phone. Deciding what to do is all you need complete today!

I'd love to hear which tip captured your fancy, what you did, how the changes felt immediately, and the ways your life was enriched by the changes. So please, comment below, now and often!!

Copyright © 2009 Kathleen Tumpane. All rights reserved.


You can, as long as you include the copyright and this blurb with it:

Feng Shui Designer, Teacher, and Coach, Kathleen Tumpane ASID, is the author and creator of Elemenza Weekly, her FREE weekly ezine which includes her renowned column ‘Simply Feng Shui’ rich in Feng Shui Design and Lifestyle tips to help you design your home and office rich in elegant and subtle feng shui power that helps you live and work in balance. Visit to learn more.

Author's Bio: 

Kathleen Tumpane ASID is available for custom interior design, home & office feng shui consultations, and speaking engagements. She is the author of Slim House Slim Body. For more info, visit or call 760.568.2933.