If you feel that your classroom, office or even your home study is in need of a bit of a face-lift, you should consider hanging some attractive wall coverings in the space. Not only will these sorts of coverings really improve the appearance of the room, they will also be fairly easy to look after and maintain. There are some problem areas when it comes to hanging wall coverings, however – use these tips to help you get it right the first time around:

• Corners
Unfortunately, room corners are very rarely perfectly vertical. This means that, if part of a length of wall covering is simply folded around the corner, the edge that you will need to line up with the next length will not be truly vertical. The best way to avoid this problem is to hang the length of covering that turns the corner as two strips.
Measure the distance from the edge of the last length of covering you hung to the angle of the corner (do this in several places). Draw a line on the back of the paper that corresponds to these measurements, stick it to the wall and cut off the remaining paper. You can then hang the second wall covering around the corner so that the pattern matches. Wipe away any leftover paste and allow to dry.
• Windows and Doors
Getting wall coverings to fit perfectly around these openings can be highly difficult. For windows, you need to ensure that coverings are hung so that their full width extends above and below the opening. Cut a flap into the center of the covering, and then crease it and trim it where it meets the window frame. You can then remove the excess flap.
For doors, all you need to do is crease the length of the wall covering against the vertical side of the architrave. Then, trim along this crease and use a glue-y brush to secure the paper into place. You may need to hang a short length of covering over the door before repeating the above method on the other side.
• Switches and Power Points
The best way to hang wall coverings around these fixtures is to simply tuck them in behind the faceplates. Do this by making diagonal cuts in the covering (from the centre of where the faceplate will sit) and then trim each tongue so that only around 10mm of covering remains. Switch off the electricity, loosen the faceplate, tuck the covering tongues in and tighten the faceplate once more.

These are the most common problems that people run into when trying to hang wall coverings in their classrooms, offices and home studies. Of course, if you are trying to adhere coverings around heaters, stairwells and on the ceiling, you will need to approach them in a different manner.

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These are certain problem arises while hanging wall coverings. These tips will definitely helps you in these conditions.