Were you aware that your credit report score is what will either make you or break you when you apply for a loan or credit card? And this is just a plain fact. The fact is the majority of companies that give credit use it to determine if you get your loan or not.
These tips contained in this article will give you a good idea of how your credit score can work for you or against you.
When you are first starting out in the world of credit it can be a Catch 22 for you. If you have no credit history your credit score will be low. Therefore when you first apply for a loan the chances are you may be turned down.
However, there is a way to build your score up. Once you have gainful employment you can to a consumer store and purchase a low dollar ticket item of several hundred dollars. Your monthly terms will be low but take the time to make your payments on time over 6 to 8 months.
By doing so this will factor into your credit report score when you go back to apply for a larger dollar amount on credit. Once you show you have been on the job and made your payments on time your overall credit report score will move up.
What can cause your credit score to go down?
1. Debt To Income Ratio
This means you have obligated yourself to pay back a high amount of your salary to monthly obligations. Let's say your monthly income is $2000 and your monthly pay out is $1700 in obligated debt. Your debt percentage is 70% of your income. Not a good idea!
2. Slow Payments
Once your payment becomes 30 days late it is reported to the credit bureau. Even one late payment will lower your score.
Where this really becomes a threat to your credit score is when you don't catch up the payment. The only way you can do that is to pay the late one and the very next one on time.
If you don't do this the 30 day late payment will increase in number and each time it shows late it lowers your score.
3. Repossessions and Forclosures
If you have a car, furniture or any other item foreclosed on this will go on your credit report for 7 years. It will continue to keep your score lower because of them.
This list could go on and on, but lets look how you can keep your score up.
It is important for you make your payments on time. A continuous record of on time payments will continue to drive your score up. The longer you have a good record the higher your credit report score will be.
The higher your score, the more likely the chances of you being able to buy a good home, a high priced car and other toys on credit. However, just because you have the ability to do so does not mean it's a good idea to rush out there and do so.
To be straight forward about it there are many things which factor into your credit score being high or low. However, when you apply common sense to your credit worthiness you have an excellent chance of keep your credit report score high.
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