There’s no question that proper maintenance and care is needed in keeping your car in tip-top shape. The question is have you given your tires a look? Tires are an important but neglected part of cars. They serve as contact between your vehicle and the road. Tire problems will not only affect its handling, but your safety as well.

If you still want to cruise in comfort, one good way is to have your tire pressures checked and have them adjusted once a month. Studies show that the leading cause of tire failure is under-inflation. They’re more vulnerable to failure and damage, but they can lead you to consume more fuel due to more rolling resistance. Underinflated tires can affect your tire’s handling and your tire’s lifespan and safety. Given their effects, it’s crucial to have your tires checked every month.

Check your tires for any unusual wear and damage. Check the depth of the tire’s tread. If they’re uneven, this shows that it’s not properly aligned, which may affect your tire’s handling and may contribute to premature tire wear. Check if there are foreign objects embedded in your tire and for cracks and cuts. Upon finding these, take your tire to your shop for repairs immediately. If they go ignored, your tires may need replacing.

Here’s a friendly tire service reminder, unless your tire is made of Hercules’ muscles, never overload your tires. Next to under-inflation, it’s also a leading cause for tire failure. Each tire is designed to carry a specific load. Going over this can greatly damage its structure, its life, and even cause it to fail unexpectedly. It’s important to never exceed your tire’s loading capacity.

A tire service reminder would also tell you to keep your steering and suspension in the right alignment. If they’re not aligned properly, this can cause the rapid and uneven wear of your tire as well as disturb your car’s handling and stability. If you see any uneven wear or if your car’s steering feels funny, have it properly aligned quickly.

A tire service reminder dictates that you should only install tires in matched or complete sets, getting the right tires for the right job, and of course replacing them when necessary. Some shops offer monthly reminders to make sure your tires are in top condition. By taking care of your tires, you’re taking care of yourself as well.

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