Speed reading is one of the reading methods, which is used to read and comprehend content and text faster. It has many advantages and can have a very positive effect. The human brain is far superior to any technology in the world. The brain has the ability to read and process printed material in seconds.

This is however subject to training as careful training can increase the output of any thing. Speed reading can help you read the assimilate text and content easily and faster which can not only save you a lot of time but also makes you more knowledgeable and as they say “Knowledge is power”.

Below are some tips through which you can not only sharpened and train your brain to speed read but also can make your self more relaxed while reading,
The first and foremost tip is to relax your self and your brain. It is extremely difficult for the brain to retain or process information while it is under stress. Reading under stress is not a healthy thing to do.

A mind under stress cant performs to its optimum level and most of what you are reading will not be apprehended by you. Make sure that you are relaxed and stress free while preparing to read.

Another important thing is to make sure that you that one reads a book that is rich in text quality and content. a book with high quality content is good for reader rather than a book with superfluous material which can only disturb the mind. Books with smooth flow of words are a delight for any reader.

It is important that you read the content of the book before you actually begin to read. The content will give you a fair bit of idea as to what the book is all about and also let you know about the type and quality of words being used by author. A lot of your precious time can be saved through this exercise.

Focusing on the keywords is of vital importance for speed reading. Almost sixty percent of the words in any content or printed matter are about structuring the sentence so focusing on the keyword will trigger a response from your brain and you ill be able to read and comprehend faster.

Determination and patience is the key as it takes time to become a good speed reader. You should set goals for every day and then should try to achieve those goals. It is not possible for you to become a good speed reader in just a mater of couple of days.

Another important thing to focus on is increasing the vocabulary. A good vocabulary can be a good foundation for speed reading as you will assimilate and comprehend faster with words you are familiar with.

The last and the final tip is probably the most important. Practice is the key to success as the more you will practice the more speed you will gain.

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"In Only 5 Minutes You Can Quickly And Easily Double Your Reading Speed, Develop A Tape Recorder Memory, Breeze Through Any Test, Develop Total Concentration, Skyrocket Your Power To Handle Figures And Read A Speakers Thoughts... All Without Deep Study! In Only 5 Minutes Or Less Guaranteed!"