Even if the wedding is relatively small there are a million details to figure out. This can feel overwhelming. From the choice of the perfect wedding cake to the type of music that you hope to have at the wedding, there are a million and one choices to make. As you plan your perfect wedding, consider a few different things that can help streamline the process.

Start Early

It's best to start planning the wedding as soon as you get engaged. That is because it will take longer than you think to plan it, and venues, caterers and bands book far in advance. You don't want to have your heart set on a certain venue and then not be able to reserve it. That is especially the case if it is a popular venue, or if you desire in-demand caterers or a popular band. Once you get the ring on your finger it's time to get planning, even before you choose the wedding date. In fact, you may have to set a wedding date based on venue availability.


As you start the wedding planning process, make sure to keep things impeccably organized. That way you can keep all of them in one place. Otherwise you risk jotting things down and then not having them when you need them. Create sections for vendors, dresses, colors, food drinks and anything else that pertains to your wedding. Make sure that you have blank pages in each section to write down notes on each item and also any conversations that you have with vendors.


Choosing the wedding colors is an important part of wedding planning. While you may want to go with a certain color theme, it's important to consider whether or not the colors coordinate. The general rule is that cool colors should stick with cool colors and warm with warm. Of course, they should be colors that you love as well. Lay them out and play with the colors a bit. Also take into account the way that those colors will be incorporated in bridesmaids dresses and décor.


Most weddings serve some sort of alcoholic beverages at the reception. There are a few different drink options to consider. An open bar is preferable but can become cost prohibitive. If you are having a very large wedding, consider serving unlimited beer and wine but limited liquor. One cost-cutting idea is to have a signature cocktail as a way to reduce liquor costs. This cocktail can be a special one made for you as a couple or one that you both love. Each guest can have one cocktail each. This is far less expensive then serving unlimited liquor.

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Wedding.com provides services for making this day beautiful and special than other day. Wedding planning provide a better option for the wedding couples to make their marriage memorable. Click here to get better idea in this context.