Many men feel completely lost when entering a night club. The music is loud ,it's dark, they don't know anybody (except their friends). In fact, many men go to clubs mainly to meet women. But do they succeed? Usually not.
In this article we will discuss 7 tips for men to use in order to become the party star, the man that all the women will be delighted to meet and have fun with.

It's Just a Game
It's common for men to be afraid of approaching women in a club. During the day time, at work or at school, it's true, and our behavior effects our image and reputation. However, in a party, the rules are different. You probably don't know anyone, and even if you do, it's legitimate to do "crazy" and funny staff in a party. I have seen so many women (and men) get drunk, dancing on the bar almost naked, doing very weird things. When in a club, feel free to play.
That's the best way that I found for a man to feel in a club. Just enjoy the fact that you can say anything and do anything you want (of course, up to some limits)

Warm Up First
Have you ever seen opera singers before going on the sage? They don't just go and perform. They begin with a long warm-up. The same thing is also important for picking up women.
Before you go to approaching the woman you want, allow yourself to warm up. I recommend approaching as a warm up, on the moment you enter the club. Don't wait, just the first woman, or man that you see, go and have a small chat. You can even ask where the toilet is. Just begin a conversation. I suggest 2-3 opening small chats before you begin your real game.

Eliminate your Approach anxiety
The warm-up that you begin with, will help you get rid of some of your approach anxiety (which is the fear of approaching women, that at least 99% of men have).
There are methods to weaken the fear over time. But there is one "Magic Pill" method to eliminate the fear immediately. How? It's very simple. You need to do one approach that you are afraid of. A good option is to look for a very attractive girl in the club. Approach her, and say something like "I think you are very pretty and I like you". The trick here is to want a NEGATIVE RESULT. Your goal is just to approach, you don't want here to like you or to want to talk to you. Just approach.
Biologically, when you do something that you are afraid of, your body injects all kinds of chemicals into your blood, making you extremely calm and fearless. This means that your fear or approach will be gone for at least a few hours.
Sounds magical? Trying at once and see what great results you will get.

Get into a Social Vibe
Women are very attracted to social men, people who influence and are liked by other people. In night clubs, although they are social venues, people hardly interact with each other, so it's rather easy to show and be social.
The trick here is to just talk with all kinds of people, not only girls that you want. You can chat with men, unattractive women, bartenders, etc.
Doing social will get you in a great vibe. Usually it's hard for us to find "What to Say". But when we are having fun and chatting, we suddenly understand that we have so many things to say and talk about. You just need to start this by chatting with people.
Being social will not only make you look attractive and interesting, it will also bring you numerous opportunities. In fact, a good friend of mine has recently got his job chatting in a club. People will introduce you to others, and also introduce you to other women.

Be Fun and Interesting
Don't just approach women telling them you like how they look, because that's what all the other men do. So be unique. You can be indirect (just opening conversation without indicating interest) or you can be direct. Just remember to be interesting, funny and unique. You can check my post about opening conversation if you want to learn how to open conversations with women.

Be ready for failure
A night club has a huge variety of women, sometimes even hundreds of them. However, the success rate of every approach tends to be lower. It happens because women feel very confident in a night club.
I've seen men being very frustrated after being rejected by women in night clubs. So a very important tip for success with women in a club, is to be ready for a failure. Be ready for women to reject you a lot. Some of them will not like you, some other will have a boyfriend. Other will be just in a bitchy mood. It doesn't matter – don't take the rejection personally.
Once you try and learn, you will eventualy succeed.
Wait for the end of the evening
Usually in the beginning of the party, women tend to be very energetic and feel confident by acting bitchy to men. They also dance a lot and want to enjoy.
However, this doesn’t last long, and towards the end of the party, you see women tired, a bit drunk, and waiting for "something to happen". You can really see the change in their eyes. They begin looking around and are much easier to approach.

Wait for the end of the evening
Usually in the beginning of the party, women tend to be very energetic and feel confident by acting bitchy to men. They also dance a lot and want to enjoy.
However, this doesn’t last long, and towards the end of the party, you see women tired, a bit drunk, and waiting for "something to happen". You can really see the change in their eyes. They begin looking around and are much easier to approach.

Author's Bio: 

Richard Liso, a fan of persoanl improvement. He own his personal blog about dating and success with women.
He also operates a Questions and Answer Website about Dating and relationships.