Ben Franklin once said that an investment in knowledge pays the best interest. That sentiment is reflected perfectly in the workings of Tim Pagliara. With over three decades of experience in the Wealth Management industry as a seasoned financial advisor, he takes an educational approach with his clients.

The bellow are the highlights of the interview with Insights Success a Best Business Magazine.

Tim is the Founder, Chairman, and CIO of CapWealth, an independent investment advisory firm that builds wealth management solutions to meet investors’ challenges in an uncertain world. 

We came across Tim in our endeavor to find ‘The 10 Most Influential Leaders in Wealth Management.’ In the following profile, we dig into his journey to better understand how his years of expertise have helped him gain recognition at both the local and national level.

Guiding Words

Tim advises budding entrepreneurs who are venturing into Investment Management to focus on their communication. “This business has a foundation built on financial knowledge, but the real challenge is being able to successfully communicate your plan to a client at the end of the day,” he says. “If you can hone your communications skills in the industry, you will easily set yourself on the path to success.”

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