Today business owners understand the importance of website marketing to their business success. However, due to the lack of understanding about website, many business owners still think that if they put together a website and publish it on the Internet, they will successfully market their products/services among the competition. To their dismay, this often is not the case. I know quite a few business owners who were disappointed greatly after waiting (in vain) for their website to boost sales and improve their bottom line.

Observing these business owners approach their website marketing that way is like watching a man on his horse charging at the windmill with his long spear. Thus, today I am going to share three important factors regarding website design and Online marketing, which combined together, is the foundation to an effective Online marketing website. With no further ado, let get started.

Before setting up a website, you should know that there are two kinds of audiences out there (on the Internet) that will go through your website information -- One is the human and another is search engines’ spiders (or robot). While the human read your website information to understand what your business provides, the spiders crawl your website information to index your business website under a certain category within its mega-engine-listing. Spiders also use the footprints of human traffic to your site to further determine which category your website really belongs in. These metrics combined with many others enable search engines to bring up your website (and many of others who provide similar products/service as yours) when a person perform a search for certain keywords that related to your business. Therefore, in order to develop an effective Online marketing website, you need to include the three important factors which I am about to share with you below to yield maximum result.

The first factor is the look of your website. Since, your primary audience is human (or customers), you need the first impression of your business to be a positive and better than that of your competition in your customers’ eyes. If your business website doesn’t meet the professional standard that customers expected, they will most likely go to your competition that does.
When I said professional standard website, I meant the website that looks good, communicates its main messages clearly/effectively, easy to use/navigate, and loads fast. Within 60 seconds of landing on the site, customers should know fairly well what products/services it is providing. In addition, its navigation menus and internal links should also be user-friendly. If the viewers can’t get back to any page on the site that they have been through with ease, they may exit the site and not come back. Thus, developing a professional website that can attract and retain Online viewers is critical to any business success.

The second factor is SEO-friendly website. Almost as importance as your primary audience (human), spider audience also goes through your website periodically to learn about your business. Thus, developing a clean coded (or SEO-friendly) website is very important. If your website is not coded clean, spiders might flag your website as SPAM and people will stay away from your site. In addition, a SEO-friendly website should contain keywords within your webpages’ Title Tags and contents that are related to your products/services, which also help spiders index your website better. With that being said, you should be very selective when choosing a web design firm to develop your website. As much as you want to keep your web design price low, try not to make it the only criteria in your decision when selecting a web designer because you don’t want to end up with a website that is not clean coded.

The third factor is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Online marketing. Once you have a professional looking website that is also clean coded (just like many of your competition), you will want to rank your website on Google page-one for a number of keywords in your targeted geographic. Regarding Online marketing, Google page-one is the primary channel that yields you new customers.

Since majority of people today Google search for almost anything they need on the Internet, if your website does not ranked on Google page-one in your targeted demographics (and many of the competition do) customers will go to your competition instead. Thus, imagine how much sales you would lose to your competition when your website is not listed on Google page-one in your target geographic?

Today, many web design companies out there providing SEO services, but from my experience, only a small number of SEO companies can deliver the ranking results customers want. Thus, you should be very careful when choosing a SEO provider.

Author's Bio: 

ProWeb365: Minneapolis Internet Marketing Services, MN. We can transform your business vision into an effective online marketing website. Contact our Minneapolis SEO Company today. For web design quotes, please call 612.590.8080