Modern day scientists, researchers and philosophers are beginning to explore the mysteries of life and as they do so, they are beginning to recognise the existence of domains, planes, worlds and universes that the external mind of humanity has avoided or at least resisted. Now scientists speak of parallel universes, “anti-universes”, quantum states in which all possible outcomes exist until we actually observe a specific one and bring it into actuality
It has long been known that vibrations outside the specific range of our perceptions nevertheless can, and do, impact our lives. Anyone who has suffered a sunburn has had a direct experience of this fact. These impacts are not solely related to physical forces, but also affect our emotions and our minds. The effects of the moon cycles and seasonal changes are now well-established factors in dealing with emotional and mental changes we experience.
Some scientists have determined that Matter is not just Energy (as Einstein showed in his famous equation E=Mc2), but is actually a form of Consciousness. We can no longer simply dismiss the idea of multiple planes of existence. This provides support to all those individuals, throughout history, who have had supra-sensory experiences of other worlds or beings. What used to be dismissed out of hand as ‘crazy-talk’ is now the stuff of scientific research and validation.
As a result, serious study of manuscripts such as the Tibetan Book of the Dead, have become part of the forward-looking elements of humanity, as we work on gaining a greater understanding of our lives, our existence, and the universe within which we exist.
Sri Aurobindo writes: “… all our spiritual and psychic experience bears affirmative witness, brings us always a constant and, in its main principles, an invariable evidence of the existence of higher worlds, freer planes of existence. Not having bound ourselves down, like so much of modern thought, to the dogma that only physical experience or experience based upon the physical sense is true, the analysis of physical experience by the reason alone verifiable, and all else only result of physical experience and physical existence and anything beyond this an error, self-delusion and hallucination, we are free to accept this evidence and to admit the reality of these planes. We see that they are, practically, different harmonies from the harmony of the physical universe; they occupy, as the word ‘plane’ suggests, a different level in the scale of being and adopt a different system and ordering of its principles. We need not inquire, for our present purpose, whether they coincide in time and space with our own world or move in a different field of space and in another stream of time, — in either case it is in a more subtle substance and with other movements. All that directly concerns us is to know whether they are different universes, each complete in itself and in no way meeting, intercrossing or affecting the others, or are rather different scales of one graded and interwoven system of being, parts therefore of one complex universal system. The fact that they can enter into the field of our mental consciousness would naturally suggest the validity of the second alternative, but it would not by itself be altogether conclusive. But what we find is that these higher planes are actually at every moment acting upon and in communication with our own plane of being, although this action is naturally not present to our ordinary waking or outer consciousness, because that is for the most part limited to a reception and utilisation of the contacts of the physical world: but the moment we either go back into our subliminal being or enlarge our waking consciousness beyond the scope of the physical contacts, we become aware of something of this higher action. We find even that the human being can project himself partially into these higher planes under certain conditions, even while in the body; a fortiori must he be able to do it when out of the body, and to do it then completely, since there is no longer the disabling condition of the physical life bound down to the body. The consequences of this relation and this power of transference are of immense importance. On the one side they immediately justify, at any rate as an actual possibility, the ancient tradition of at least a temporary sojourn of the human conscious being in other worlds than the physical after the dissolution of the physical body. On the other side they open to us the possibility of an action of the higher planes on the material existence which can liberate the powers they represent, the powers of life, mind and spirit for the evolutionary intention inherent within Nature by the very fact of their embodiment in Matter.”
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, The Hidden Forces of Life, Ch.6 Hidden Worlds and Evolutionary Forces, pp.142-144
Santosh has been studying Sri Aurobindo's writings since 1971 and has a daily blog at and podcast located at
He is author of 20 books and is editor-in-chief at Lotus Press. He is president of Institute for Wholistic Education, a non-profit focused on integrating spirituality into daily life.
Video presentations, interviews and podcast episodes are all available on the YouTube Channel
More information about Sri Aurobindo can be found at
The US editions and links to e-book editions of Sri Aurobindo’s writings can be found at Lotus Press
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