It is thought that guys are as different from women as cats are from dogs. Because of this difference, women can have a lot of wrong ideas about what guys want and how they think. Not only are we going to point out some wrong beliefs about men, but we're going to give you the truth about what they really think.

Their love
Women everywhere get the wrong idea how guys show love. They believe that if he doesn’t call, it means he doesn’t love her. Or if he hasn’t set aside time for her, his love is growing distant for her.

Men focus
They aren’t multitasking thinkers, but are focusers. Unlike women, they will compartmentalize their time, thoughts, and emotions. This means that when they get distracted, they lose focus of everything around them. Men will also express themselves in different ways than women would like to receive. So in a flourishing relationship people need to express how they receive love the most to overcome this difference.

Dressing up every time you head out- It could be that he believes you look provocative whatever you wear, or he doesn`t desire others looking at you.
As a replacement for
Save it for the bedroom. He wants you dressed sexy, but in the bedroom. Let`s face it, he`s going to want to see how provocative you are, but he`s also going to want to do something about it.

The way you act
Men don`t desire someone who handles issues like a little girl, they want a woman, someone who handles things maturely.
You should rather;
Be honest and real, instead of acting cute or putting on a show just because you assume your boyfriend will like it, you should be yourself. He'll enjoy that a lot more, and you'll get to know each other a lot more thoroughly if you're not pretending to be someone you're not.

The age old, hard to get
It`s only a fable that men will enjoy you playing hard to get with him. Most men are looking for genuine relationships and will desire you to express your real feelings to him.
The truth is;
Playing games with him will only get a guy who plays games with you. Acting mature and smart will catch a guy who acts like that with you in his relationships.
Relationships are formed from trust, and he`s going to desire that from you. Playing games will only make him feel perplexed, and leave him guessing about what your intentions really are.

Women act like they would like sex
Whether it's because you desire the attention, or you desire to please him, or just because you have to keep up the act, guys can get hurt if women fake it in the bedroom department.
In its place;
Get him to put you in the mood if he's the one who wants it. If it's getting some chores done or getting something naughtier from him, at least this way you can enjoy it as well. If not, then making him wait for another evening or until turned on; this way the intimacy will be a lot better because both people are enjoying it. This way she isn’t just loathing her way through it, but giving her needs a chance to catch up, and add to the relationship.

Not eating properly
Honestly, if you are that mindful about the way your man thinks of you that is going to turn him off.
As a substitute;
Most of the time, its women who are overly critical of themselves, and if it's their guy who's being critical, they can probably do better.

Crow's feet
Women are all caught up about the smallest details on their face and spend cash and worries on creams that really won’t take them away.
The truth is;
It's really only you who will notice. On top of which, a lot of men assume wrinkles on a women are provocative (to a degree).

Wondering if another woman is better looking than you
Women get really competitive if there’s competition in terms of another woman around their man. They will also freak out if they see him looking at other women.
In truth;
Just because a man can see that another woman is attractive, doesn't mean he's going to fall in love with her. Being in love with someone has a lot more to do with than mere beauty. If it only takes looking at another woman for him to leave you, he wasn't worth your time anyways.

There are various misconceptions about guys and the way they think. What matters most in a successful relationship is discovering how the other one ticks; learn more about the opposite sex, it will help your relationship tenfold.

More Interesting Reads:
How to find love
What men really want

Author's Bio: 

Robert enjoys running, cycling, traveling, and cooking. Writing is also a favorite hobbie. He enjoys writing about relationships as well as dating.

Currently single, and living in Vancouver B.C.