A part of our blood which permits the body to clot is known as platelets. They are also known as thrombocytes and cause other necessary growth healing functions. On the other hand, plasma refers to the liquid portion of the entire blood which gets created mainly of proteins and water and delivers a medium for white blood cells and red blood cells to flow through the body.
Moving forward to PRP or platelet-rich plasma, it can be understood as plasma with many more platelets as compared to the one which is generally found in the blood. There is a presence of a variety of proteins in platelets known as growth factors that are very much crucial in the healing of injuries. So, the treatment of PRP can assist to speed up the healing process. It relies on platelets to heal and repair injuries.
Therapy EvaluationPRP Treatment Cost
There is a usage of the concentration of a patient’s own platelets in the therapy with the help of injection in order to speed up the healing of injuries like ligaments, joints, muscles, and tendons. It must be carefully injected into the part where a person has faced the injury. The injections of PRP utilize each patient’s own healing system to advance musculoskeletal problems. If we take an example of a condition known as Achilles tendonitis that can be commonly seen in runners or tennis player where the heel cord can become painful, inflamed or swollen. In such cases, there can be a presence of a combination of PRP as well as a local anesthetic which will be injected directly into the inflamed tissue. There might be chances of feeling an elevated pain in the beginning, like the first week or two, but soon it will provide a beneficial effect to the patient.
There might be a usage of ultrasound imaging in the process of PRP to guide the injection. One of the benefits that have been emerged by the injections of PRP is that they can able to diminish the requirement for stronger medications or anti-inflammatories. Along with that, its side effects have also proved to be limited as the injections have been created from the blood of the patient itself. That’s why the body will not react in a negative manner or reject them.
Firstly the doctor will draw a sample of the patient’s blood. The amount will be depended on where the PRP is getting injected. After that, the blood will be kept in a centrifuge that stands for a machine which spins around speedily and causes the blood components to separate. Then, the practitioner will take the separated plasma and prepare it to be injected in the affected part. As we said imaging like ultrasound may be required, like to point some areas for injection (for example, tendon). After that, the PRP will be injected into that area.
PRP injection nowadays has been opted for different types of purposes. Out of which the first one can be identified to treat the conditions of hair loss. Doctors are using this type of injection into the scalp of the patient for promoting hair growth and avoid loss of hair. Another thing can be acute injuries where PRP injections are used to treat acute sports injuries like knee sprains or pulled hamstring muscles.
Some other purposes include tendon injuries. Talking about tendon, they stand for tough and thick bands of tissue that are responsible for connecting muscle to bone. When an injury strikes them, they prove to have slow healing. That’s why doctors implement PRP injections for treating chronic tendon problems like Achilles tendonitis at the ankle, tennis elbow, jumper’s knee, etc.
PRP Treatment CostPRP Treatment Cost
Based on the lab equipment applied for getting PRP, along with some other things, the cost of treatment regarding PRP will be obtained. Like, if we try to tell you the cost of only therapy per session, the cost might range from Rs. 4,000 to Rs. 30,000. In order to know the exact expenses of PRP treatment, you can contact the institution or centers which provide related services. The exact Therapy EvaluationPRP injection cost will also be identified from the place where you will prefer such types of services. There might be a variation from location to location and the place where it needs to be injected like for the treatment of hair loss or recovery in some other body parts. The cost of PRP injection will also vary from center to center.

Author's Bio: 

james is a writer of news, articles and passionate about content writing , he has published so many magazines