We’ve been hearing about “The Shift” for so long, it’s hard to believe that it’s finally here! But what precisely is shifting? What are we moving from? What are we moving toward? And – more importantly – what difference is it really going to make to your world… your life… your family… your loved ones… and you?

Have you been noticing that…?

Time seems to be speeding up…

Your memories aren't as reliable as they used to be…

Stuff you thought you had dealt with is suddenly resurfacing…

And nothing seems to be working the way it used to…

You are not alone!

If you have been hearing people talk about moving from the Third Dimension to the Fifth Dimension but you haven’t a clue how that’s going to come about, or what specific changes it’s going to bring, or even what the Fifth Dimension is – you are not alone. Moreover, it’s no accident that you’re read this book at this moment. It was written for you.

The purpose of this book is twofold: first, to present you with a container for much of the information that you already know, but may not be consciously aware that you know. And second, to introduce you to a set of tools, skills and opportunities that will enable you to build a platform that will allow you to step from Third- Dimensional unconsciousness into a higher dimensional awareness, fully conscious, and completely realigned with who you are and who you have always been, but don't remember at this moment.

It is actually quite simple to create happiness, abundance and well-being in your life. As with so many aspects of life, however, that which is simple is sometimes the hardest to grasp. For example, the 4-step formula for creation is truly this simple:

1. Create an Intention
2. Place your Attention on your Intention
3. Add an emotion such as happy, amused or excited to what you have your
attention on and
4. the Universe, through the Law of Attraction, will give to you precisely
what you placed your Attention upon. Your job is to receive it… to allow
it to come to you… to let yourself have what you just asked for.
In other words, “Ask and it shall be given unto you.”

So - why are most of us unable to follow this simple formula and create the lives we desire?

The noise of the third dimension is very distracting, pulling our attention into the past or projecting it into the future, where fear and anxiety often reside. When emotions such as worry, doubt, and lack arise, holding our attention on our intention can become very challenging. The Law of Attraction gives us exactly what we place our attention on; it doesn’t understand: “Just give me the good stuff.” So how you hold your emotions and thoughts is how the Universe understands your asking. “Ask and you shall receive.”

There is a “Shift”, a transformation, a really BIG change occurring.

This Shift that is underway is affecting every aspect of our third-dimensional reality. This Shift is so far-reaching that our limited imagination cannot begin to grasp the transition and the changes we are now in the midst of experiencing. This Shift is affecting every aspect of life on this planet – our political, social and economic structures, the environment, institutions and wars, how we view our relationships, our work. Simply put, every thought we think and every feeling we feel. It is altering time, our memory, our DNA, the wiring of our physical and emotional bodies, our beliefs, our perceptions of good and bad, right and wrong. Most especially, this Wave of Change is affecting our awareness of what is possible. It is offering us abundant, new understandings, instructions and possibilities of how to once again live in harmony with each other, the environment and All That Is.

However, between where we currently exist and this new “Heaven on Earth,” where we will soon arrive, there is a bit of a gap...

Becoming “Aware of Becoming Aware”

The “Shift in consciousness” that is occurring is a shift in our very perception of our world. As most of us have played this game of life, we have tried to fit in and to follow the rules. We have tried to create a better life for ourselves and for our families. However, in our rush to create more for ourselves - the bigger house, better car, higher salary, etc., many of us have discovered that we have actually created less. We have less time to spend in that big house, less time to enjoy the company of our family and friends and less opportunity to appreciate a sunset or take pleasure in the natural beauty that surrounds us. Many people have begun to feel that something is not right, that something valuable has been lost. What is really missing, whether we are aware of it or not, is that we all have lost a part of our ‘selves’ along the way. And at the end of the day, more, bigger and better has still not been enough. We have disconnected from the things that truly nourish us and it has left us physically ill, emotionally unhappy, mentally exhausted and spiritually unclear about whom we truly are.

This is now beginning to change.

As more and more of us are awakening, we are beginning to remember who we are. We are recognizing imbalances in our lives and we are asking ourselves: “What’s really important to me? What truly makes me happy?” The answer isn’t found through gaining more of the world outside, but in gaining more of the “me” within.
In our rush to the top we left a part of ourselves behind. We traded respect for competition, kindness for advantage, and giving for taking. We lost touch with our “Inner Guidance,” which has always directed us to a higher, more aligned place. This higher place is a place where cooperation, support and understanding create deeper trust, friendship and compassion.

The Shift is occurring within the Hearts of ALL of humanity and millions are beginning to awaken. It is an “awakening of consciousness!” It is taking place across the world in every town and village and in the Hearts of each child, woman and man. We are finding a new passion within, and we are beginning to recognize that who we are counts. We ALL matter, and we ALL have a contribution to make. This awakening consciousness has no limits. It is a shift that is taking us all into a higher dimensional awareness; a higher, more aligned way of life. We are “becoming aware of becoming aware.”

The “Waves of Change” - how this is happening

Two massive Waves of Light and Energy are moving through the Universe, through each of us and through the Earth. These “Waves of Change”` are working together in perfect synchronization, evolving everything to a higher consciousness.

One Wave is expanding outward, like an ever-widening ripple on a pond, spreading greater Light, knowledge and wisdom, opening ever-expanding gateways to higher consciousness and evolution. This Wave is shifting mass consciousness from the third-dimensional perspective, through the fourth, into a fifth-dimensional perspective. This Wave is creating a fifth-dimensional community of higher consciousness on Earth that is realigning us with the All That Is.

As this first Wave accelerates it is fascinating to observe how it is powerfully and positively affecting us. This Wave is providing us with choices and presenting us with possibilities that have not been available to us before. This Wave is also making it possible for the second Wave to unlock all that has been keeping us stuck in 3D.

The second Wave operates differently than the first. Its function is to create harmony. However, in order to achieve Harmony, everything that is not of the Light, everything that does not exist in well-being and balance, is being destabilized, dissolved and cleared away. Everything that is no longer working in our lives is being loosened and released.

This Wave is releasing all dysfunctional patterns on every level. All that is lacking in integrity will dissolve to be replaced with new patterns of energy, Light, knowledge and wisdom that are available in the first Wave. In short, as one Wave of Light is emptying the vessel, the other Wave of Light is refilling it.
These transformative Waves are allowing all of us to re-wire, re-connect, re-align and re-member who we are and what we really came here to accomplish. Like a tsunami, these Waves are significantly stepping up in intensity. We will see tremendous transitions in the upcoming months and years.

Why is this all happening now?

This is all happening now because we have asked for it to occur. It is also happening now because we have succeeded, in the most amazing way, in accomplishing what we came here to achieve by playing this Game of the third dimension. And it is now time to remember, to return Home to the Heart of the Creator, the All That Is. So, should you be happy? Yes! Should you be excited? Yes! Is it simple? Yes! Is it going to be easy? Not exactly... but it does not have to be difficult either.

We are playing in very exciting times, and in order to make this transition as easy as possible, we will need some new skills and tools to help us ride these Waves with grace and ease. We also will need a new understanding as to how to perceive our surroundings differently, and how to choose the reality we wish to experience.

Coming in Part 2: Part 2 – How It Might Be Affecting You

Author's Bio: 

JIM SELF is often introduced as a teacher’s teacher and a healer’s healer. He has been leading seminars and teaching healing, clairvoyance and personal energy management courses throughout North America since 1980 and has been a popular and frequent guest on numerous TV and radio programs, and featured in a variety of international publications.

Since childhood, Jim has retained a conscious awareness and ability to recall his
experiences within the sleep state. Over the last ten years, this awareness has expanded into relationships with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. The tools and information presented in the Mastering Alchemy Program is a co-creation of these relationships.

Jim walks with a foot in both worlds. At the age of twenty-six, he was elected to his first of two terms to the San Jose, CA City Council and later became the Vice Mayor. Before completing his second term, he was asked by President Jimmy Carter to be an advisor and the Director of Governmental Operations for the Dept. of Energy. As an entrepreneur,he has successfully built and sold two corporations, and is the founder and current board chairman of a third.

All of the tools, skills and concepts outlined in this series are taught as part of the “Creating Your Personal Power Field” weekend seminars, which are taught both in person and in DVD format. This work is followed by the year long Mastering Alchemy program, details of which also are available at