What is the secret to attracting money? I think this is the most repeated question I hear from clients. Before you can start cashing in there are few things to understand about money.

Even though money has a name, but it does not stand on its own. Money means different things to different people and so the secret to attracting money is related mainly to the way you think about it.

Law of attraction as most of you have already found out is the force that attracts particles of like essence. This essence is also used by our thoughts to attract our experiences.

The way you view the world and your beliefs towards it shape the way your life unfolds.

The secret to attracting money:

contrary to popular belief success has nothing to do with action. If this misconception were true, then there wouldn't be people working very short hours for huge sums and others working ten hours a day for almost no pay.

The secret to attracting money lies only in the way you view it. The more you relax and let it come to you, the more your bank account will grow.

Of course if you are currently holding many negative views regarding money it might take some time and practice to change your habits of thought but it will be a much shorter length period than studying four years in college.

The secret to attracting money process:

Here is a process that can help you release yourself of the constraining beliefs you might have towards money.

1. Open a Notepad text file and write the title – My Spending money

2.Write the amount you are going to spend today. You can start from 100$

3.Go online and search for things you would like to buy. Every time you find something write it down, until you spend that 100$.

4.On the next day deposit 200$ Imaginary dollars to be spent.

Do this process every day for 3 months. At first it will be easy to find things to spend on , but as you go further and the sums grow it will be a bit more challenging.

This process can help you shake loose of the hard feelings towards money and turn them into relaxed easy going. People who have used this process have had amazing results it their life. You actually start getting the things you put on your list.

The secret to attraction money really comes down to breaking loose of your negative feelings towards it. Abundance is easier to achieve than most understand.

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