After nine years of doing private consultations and answering literally thousands of questions on my Forum, I have come to see that there are five key protocols that nearly everyone needs to implement in order to see their digestive healing progress rapidly.

By the time people find their way to my protocols, their bacterial flora is usually unbalanced throughout their gastrointestinal tract. If they haven't already had repeated antibiotic use since childhood, then the medical exploratory and diagnostic tests alone have destroyed much of the good bacteria in their small and large intestine. When the good, protective bacteria are depleted, then pathogens like yeast (Candida), viruses, parasites, and bad bacteria flourish.

This profusion of pathogens, combined with (and causing) inflammation and damage to the mucosal lining results in Leaky Gut Syndrome; whereby undigested food particles and bad bacteria leach into the bloodstream and trigger allergic reactions and infection in other locales.

The protocols needed to heal these imbalances in the body therefore focus on eradicating pathogens from the gut, rebalancing the bacterial flora, healing the damage done to the mucosal lining and intestinal wall, healing the emotional factors that lead to susceptibility in the gut in the first place (and ongoing), and addressing any nutrient deficiencies.

Bowel Rest

In extreme cases, the best and fastest way to accomplish healing is to go on an elemental diet (as outlined in The IBD Remission Diet) in order to provide bowel rest and eliminate any trigger foods whilst addressing the underlying conditions of infection and inflammation in the digestive system. This is also used frequently if the person is very malnourished or underweight, or if there is ongoing intestinal bleeding.

If the person doesn't require anything as drastic as an elemental diet, then they just follow the Healing Diet (in Chapter 3 of Listen To Your Gut) for their symptom profile, whilst implementing the protocols below. If they do begin with an elemental diet, then they also begin simultaneously on the protocols below. If tolerated, the multi-pronged healing approach produces the quickest results.

The great news is that a number of my clients have now tested using raw milk (unpasteurized milk from pasture-fed cows) instead of Absorb Plus for their elemental diet and they have tolerated it well and shown great improvement. Others have used a combination of Absorb Plus and raw cow or goat's milk. If this interests you, I have provided a lot of information on this innovative healing therapy in JPT Wellness Circle (I have content on raw milk therapy in the infoletter, videos, podcasts and teleseminars sections). If possible, I would encourage you to use raw milk instead of Absorb Plus, because not only is it cheaper, it is a whole, unprocessed food and therefore healthier.

Eradicating Pathogens

To get rid of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, yeast (Candida albicans), mycobacteria and parasites, utilize Jini's Wild Oregano Oil Protocol. If you have a mycobacterial infection, you will need to cycle on and off the Protocol for 2 –3 years to eradicate all the mycobacteria.

People generally start with Jini's Wild Oregano Oil Protocol and then upon completion of the first cycle, move onto high dose, therapeutic probiotic supplementation. Of course, they have already begun probiotic supplementation with Jini's Wild Oregano Oil Protocol, so their system doesn't usually have any trouble transitioning to high dose probiotics.

Probiotic Supplementation

Probiotics must be ingested in a potent, bioavailable form; the bacteria must be capable of colonizing the gastrointestinal tract and must be ingested in high enough amounts to have a therapeutic effect. This means, that to see results, you need to ingest a minimum of 7 – 10 billion c.f.u. of each species, per day. This works out to 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day of the Natren powdered probiotics: Megadophilus, Bifido Factor and Digesta-Lac. Or, 1 Healthy Trinity capsule, two times per day.

However, if people are in a very active disease state, or highly sensitive to probiotics, then they must start out with small amounts and very gradually build up. In these cases, it is often best to start with an infant species of bacteria called B. infantis and then gradually work your way up to the adult species of L. acidophilus, B. bifidus and L. Bulgaricus. B. infantis is available from Natren (called Life Start) in either cow or goat's milk based formulas.

Once you can tolerate therapeutic levels of probiotics (and many can right away) then the best results are seen from probiotic layering. This means you take both the powders and the capsules to maximize the beneficial effects of each. Probiotic layering can be done in a number of ways, but what most people usually do is to take 1 teaspoon of each powdered species, two times per day and 1 Healthy Trinity capsule, once per day.

Healing Inflammation & Ulceration

Whilst the protocols already outlined above greatly contribute to the healing of intestinal inflammation and ulceration, targeted herbal supplementation is also highly beneficial and produces more rapid healing.

If the person has ongoing bleeding from the colon, then Jini's Healing Implant Enema is utilized. Once bleeding is no longer acute, or is only from the small intestine, MucosaHeal is used along with George's Aloe Vera Juice.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Here are the nutritional supplements that pretty much everyone with IBD or IBS needs to take due to increased loss through diarrhea and/or lack of absorption of nutrients:

? Full spectrum multi-vitamin and multi-mineral – yes, it would be ideal to ingest these in whole-food form, however many people with IBD cannot tolerate this form. Angstrom-sized minerals are very easily tolerated and highly absorbable, but are also expensive. So whilst the regular mineral supplements are not ideal, they do still produce beneficial results and are certainly better than nothing.
? 3,000 IU vitamin D per day
? 4 – 6 capsules cod liver oil per day (or 2 teaspoons)
? 2 tablespoons Udo's oil per day
? Pycnogenol or grape seed extract
? Coenzyme Q10

Each of these supplements is vital for healing various facets of the IBD/IBS pathology and work synergistically to accelerate healing.

Emotional Contributors

Over 60% of your body's neurotransmitters are not in your brain, but in your gut! There is now an entire field dedicated to this emerging knowledge about the interrelation of the mind, emotions and the digestive system called Neurogastroenterology. This is not airy-fairy, woo-woo stuff, this is hard science. And if you don't heal the psychological and emotional components of your dis-ease, then you will never have long-term health. It's really that simple.

The most effective mind/body therapies are EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), also called MTT (Meridian Tapping Techniques) and hypnotherapy. You need to work with a skilled therapist, at least initially, to really see good results. And it's best if you can use someone (like Annabel Fisher) who is experienced with chronic illness; which is more complex and has many more layers than regular illness. For more information, see

And there you have it! If you implement each of the five steps outlined above (simultaneously if possible) you will have the fastest, most thorough healing experience. Of course, you will need to use various additional supplements as needed – FissureHeal if you have anal/rectal fissures, or HemorrHeal if your bleeding is from internal or external hemorrhoids, syringed wild oregano oil for fistulas, L-glutamine, bentonite clay or psyllium seed for diarrhea, etc.

But the basic protocol for rapid healing of colitis, Crohn's, diverticulitis and IBS can be summed up in these five targeted steps: rest the bowel, eradicate pathogens, repopulate with good bacteria, heal inflammation and ulceration, resolve nutrient deficiencies and heal emotional contributors. The key is to do all five thoroughly – preferably simultaneously – without skipping over any of them.

Author's Bio: 

Jini Patel Thompson is the author of numerous books on natural healing methods for IBS, diverticulitis, Crohn's and colitis: