Anyone who claims that being a college-level student or beyond is easy has obviously never set foot in a university classroom, or sat in front of a computer with two open textbooks, a notepad, and a streaming-media lecture pouring forth from the computer monitor.

For students studying acupuncture, which is considered to be one of the most laid-back of all the holistic medical approaches, it’s no different. In fact, many students say it’s quite stressful. But it’s also very worthwhile. Students of acupuncture say that this trade is part medicine, part therapy, and part art form.

Acupuncture students should expect to log about 3,000 classroom hours between the time they first walk onto the campus to the time they walk across the stage to receive their diplomas. During this time, they will study the human body, various positioning techniques, needle insertion and removal, and the uses of acupuncture therapies.

Much like a traditional medical student, acupuncture students must devote lots of time and effort into their studies and be completely devoted and committed to their career choice. Acupuncture school, like medical school or veterinary school, is not easy and is not for everyone.

When deciding on an acupuncture degree program, it’s important to make sure the school is accredited and teaches the method of acupuncture you would like to pursue in your career. After all, 3,000 hours and thousands of dollars in tuition are not something anyone wants to waste.

Also, keep in mind that after completing the acupuncture course, the future acupuncturist must pass a board exam given by the state in which he/she will be practicing. When researching schools, ask your admissions representative what the pass rate is for students who take the licensing exam. A school with a higher pass rate will have a much more rigorous, in-depth course load than a school with a lower pass-rate. Not only will a school with a high pass rate better equip you to take your licensing exam, but it will also better equip you to practice your therapy in complete confidence.

Financial aid is also important when considering your education. The tuition at most universities for acupuncture ranges between $30,000 and $40,000. This covers tuition, books, and other materials needed for a complete education. Because a Bachelor’s Degree is required prior to admission to acupuncture school, this tuition is additional to the costs incurred while obtaining the prerequisite. However, most schools accept federal student aid, which is obtained by filling out the FAFSA every year, as well as other scholarships and loans. Remember, most states also charge a fee for students to take the required licensing exams as well.

The cost and effort of the education requirements are well worth it to acupuncture students, and they can expect an excellent career waiting for them on the other side. The growing market is virtually untapped as there are less than 20,000 licensed acupuncturists practicing in the United States. Excellent acupuncturists who stay abreast of new technologies available and continue to hone in on their skills can expect to earn six-figure incomes five to ten years after completing acupuncture school.

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Author's Bio: 

David Woods is a staff writer for Find Traditional Acupuncture Schools, as well as other Colleges and Universities offering courses in Acupuncture at, your positive pathway to discovery!