Prospects are the life blood of any home based business. Online marketing is a great way to get more prospects to your business. However, most people aren't aware of what tools are out there. That's why I've created a list of the top 5 FREE online resources that all home business owners should be using to explode their business's growth.

Resource #1: MySpace

MySpace is the first site I would recommend to anyone. Social networking is a great place to start marketing your business online. MySpace is not just for kids and teens anymore. Now people of all ages of working and playing on MySpace. So if you have a home based business, MySpace is a must have resource.

I have found MySpace to be very user friendly and easy to set up. It is also the most marketer friendly in that it will not limit you on promoting your business or adding friends. One word of caution though, it is highly addictive so you have to manage your time wisely. You can easily get sucked into the world of chatting with friends, blogging and browsing other people's profiles.

Like I stated before, however, MySpace is a fantastic tool for business. You can promote yourself and your home based business freely. Which means you can reach more people that you may not have been able to without it!

Resource # 2: YouTube

One of the best ways to spread the news about your business is video marketing. YouTube is the best site to use for video marketing. The videos range from silly to informative. There are millions of new videos and millions of new subscribers each month. If you can garner if just a small fraction of the traffic, you can easily generate a five to six figure income.

Even with all the videos on YouTube, you can still stand out and make yourself

Another good thing about online video marketing is that it doesn't have to be super high quality. You just need a computer and a regular old video camera and you're all set.

Resource# 3: Ezine Articles

Article marketing is the best way to become the leader that people want to follow. Article marketing easily brands you as the expert. So start submitting articles about your home based business and the industry. Ezine Articles is by far the biggest and most successful article directory online.

You don’t have to be a professional writer to submit articles to online directories. If you feel you are not good at writing or having writers block, there several places online where you can have good quality articles written for you at a fair price. Either way, all home business owners should be publishing on Ezine Articles.

Resource # 4:

Another great way to get more people to see your websites, your articles, videos, blogs and more is social bookmarking. When you find a site you really like and want to find it quickly again you bookmark it on your computer. Social bookmarking works the same way but everyone on the internet can view the sites you save.

These social bookmarking sites are easy to use and best of all they are FREE. So if you don't like a site you are using, you didn't waste any money on trying it out. The biggest social bookmarking site is It gets millions of views every single month. Using Digg to bookmark your websites, articles, blogs and videos increases the chances of people seeing them dramatically.

Resource# 5: WordPress

Blogging started out as an online journal. However, these days serious home business owners are using them to market WordPress is what most professional bloggers use and, like the other sites I've talked about, it is very easy to set up and user friendly.

It will literally take you just a few minutes to get everything set up so you can start blogging right away. You will want to post a new entry every couple of days. As more people read your blog, they will become interested and want more information about you and your business.

Online marketing is the next generation for marketing your MLM business. It is cost effective and very productive in terms of your return on investment. Best of all, these 5 websites are just the beginning. As technology changes, there will be more and more ways to brand yourself online. So get out there and conquer these sites and move on to more!

Author's Bio: 

L.R. Hand has become an expert at helping people unlock their own potential to earn a six figure income or more by finding the right online marketing resources to dominate their market niche. For more strategies L.R. Hand implements visit his Wealth Building blog.