Do you have a feeling that you have low self esteem? Actually, there are 3 faces of low self esteem. See for yourself if you share one of the following traits:

Let's see, are you:

1) The Phony One? From the name itself, the fake one. The Great Pretender. His successful and happy exterior is just a front, a facade to mask his true colors of his fear of failure. These phonies are the ones who are pathetic enough to live their lives in quiet dread that one day they would be "found out". They are the types which needs their self esteem to be validated; they need accomplishments and victories to further hide their feelings of insecurity and self-doubt.

And the saddest thing is, they don't think they deserve their success; they believe it was due to luck instead of their own skills.

2) The Rebel. These are the types who live in constant anger. Rebels are those who blame others and the world for all the wrong things which going on in their lives--and this can occasionally make them the iconoclastic, law-breaking, resisting-authority kind. They have the "who cares" attitude, apathetic to people's opinions. Yet deep inside, they may feel that they themselves are not good enough.

3) The Victim/Loser. These are the ones who are the pathetic kind, continuously living in misery, perennially depending on others for love, support and validation. Victims are like little children, who can't (or are afraid) of making their own decisions.

Thus, making them immature who lack assertiveness, making them underachievers. Always waiting to be rescued, losers/victims come from all walks of life and regardless of their lifestyles, age, gender or careers.

More self esteem topics like this one, can be found at my maiden ebook, "Fabulous Self Esteem".

Author's Bio: 

The author of this article, Amy Twain, is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a highly successful home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem.