When learning any new skill, especially when it is something complex such as the art of picking up and dating women, it's very common to get lost in the huge amount of information and articles that you can read.

In this article I would like to explain what success with women actually means, and how the process of learning pick-up skills looks like.



Overcoming the Fear of Approach

The basic problem that prevents men to improve their pick-up skills, is the fact that almost any guy has terrible fears of approaching women.

When a man sees a beautiful girl that he's interested in, his mind gets filled with many negative thoughts – "I don't know what to say", "she's going to reject me", "I am not attractive for her", "she must have a boyfriend", etc.

The first step towards success is learning how to overcome this natural fear.


Developing Conversations

After you learn how to approach women, you will need to learn how to start a conversation with a girl and to develop it beyond the first 2 lines.

Men are naturally not very good in this task – we tend to be logical and practical, so we can't find topics to talk about with people we don't know, especially if it's a hot chick.

You will need to learn what to talk about and how to develop an interesting conversation with women.


Creating Sexual Attraction

Many men who manage to approach and develop interactions with women, still fall into the "friend zone". They are interesting and manage to be good friends with a girl, but they don't make her feel sexually attracted.

Attraction is something beyond friendship, and you will need to learn what attracts women to men, and how to establish this attraction using various methods and techniques (for example, negging)


Asking For Her Number

At first, you will be afraid to ask a girl for her phone number, because you will be afraid to "ruin things".

But after several attempts, you will understand that without getting her number, you will have no way to contact her later, so you just have to get her number.

You will see how simple it is to ask for a girl's phone number. Not every girl will give you her phone, but many will, and you will see what works for you and how to make almost any girl agree to give you her number.


Calling and Setting a Date

After getting a girl's phone number, you need to call her and arrange a date.

At this point, you will see that some girls just won't answer the phone. Others will tell you that they're busy and will promise to call you back later (and they won't call you back), and others will just not agree to meet for a date.

You will need to master your phone skills, to re-establish the attraction that the girl felt for your just a few days before.


Going To Dates

Eventually, you will get women on dates with you. Dates can be fun and exciting, but you will need experience and you'll need to figure out the right dynamics of a successful date.

Eventually, you will need to learn how to get a girl to kiss you on the first date, because that's your first goal.

You can't get laid before you kiss the girl, and the first kiss is actually a signal that you have something that is more than good friendship.


Getting Sexual

Even if you will have wonderful dates and you'll manage to kiss a girl that you like, you will find out that going with her to your place (or her place) can be very difficult, and you will need to make it very gentle.

Getting her to your place is the first step towards getting sexual, and Intimacy is an embarrassing for both men and women.

And even if she's at your place, you will face moments of "last minute resistance", which occurs especially if you attempt to move toward sex too quickly.


Never Forget That Women Are Also Human Beings

I gave you a description of the process of pick-up, from the moment you approach a girl, until the moment you have sex.

This process is very complex and of course, you will fail in many of your attempts, probably even in most of them.

However, even when you succeed, never forget that women are also human beings. Even if you what you are looking for is just sex (and that's OK, and some women prefer one-night-stands as well), never misuse or mistreat women.

It's not fair, and it will also make you feel bad in the long term. Sex is fun and exciting, as long as both sides can enjoy it.

Author's Bio: 

Richard Liso is a fan of personal improvement. He also writes in his own blog about dating - luvblogger.com