Are some people programmed for success while others are wired for failure? Some people seem to have all the luck but could it be that they just think differently? The short answer is that we all have this enormous power deep inside our being but some of us are able to control our emotions more effectively than others and therefore attract, magnetize, and create better outcomes.

So what tangible tools and proven techniques can you use to become a Success Magnet?

It all starts deep inside your subconscious mind. You may think you are calling all of the shots, but the reality is that you don't realize how your thoughts are actually bouncing around from one negative thought to another. One of my clients who recently attended one of my workshops said a week later "I am shocked to realize how many negative thoughts I have during one day". This is actually not our fault at all. Our subconscious mind works like a computer harddrive and remembers everything it has every seen or heard over your entire lifetime and over 70% of it has been negative. It actually could be higher and closer to 80% if you watch the news or read the newspapers daily.

It has now been documented that you can actually change your brain. Science and spirituality are merging and the research can no longer be ignored. You have the power inside of you to reprogram your subconscious mind. You can seek an expert to help in the process (hypnosis is helpful) or have a go at it by yourself but it absolutely can be done!

Here are 5 techniques to get you started. Remember that as you plant seeds (thoughts) into your subconscious mind you will be creating new neurotransmitters that will eventually change your brain over time if you stick with it.

1.) Meditation- The longer and more frequent the better with a minimum of 20-30 minutes per session recommended. If you are new to meditation you may want to start with a guided CD that includes music to access higher brain wave states (theta, alpha, delta or gamma).

2.) Affirmations- Stating positive statements such as "I am powerful" "I am love" and "I am attracting success, wealth, and happiness into my life" only works if you are able to actually feel the words that you are declaring. So in order to conjure up the feeling you have to be in congruency and believe with every cell in your body that what you speak is true. To really tap into the power of affirmations start with where you are, which could be "I wish" or "I choose" can be used until you can tap into and actually feel "I am."

3.) Visualization- Project yourself into your future and see your deepest heart's desire as if it has already happened. Spend time experiencing and feeling all the emotions as if it is happening in present time. Feel love, contentment, appreciation, and joy deeply and allow those feelings to penetrate in every cell and throughout your entire body.

4.) Prayer- Ask for divine guidance and the ability to let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs. Ask to be guided and aligned with your higher self and the ability to open up to receive this guidance. Spend time each day connecting with who you really are...your truth and authentic self waiting to emerge as a happier, healthier version of yourself.

5.) LIsten to a tape recording of your voice while you fall asleep. Purchase a tape recorder and make a recording of your voice stating your deepest heart's desires, your dreams, and your goals. Listen to right before going to sleep and again first thing in the morning. Allow your subconscious mind to connect with soul's desires and when it does expect miracles to happen because they will.

Think your Destiny...Create Your Destiny,

Author's Bio: 

Wendi Blum is an International Speaker, Success Coach, and Author who brings her passion for excellence into her coaching, writing and live events. She teaches people around the world how to step into their brilliance, tap into their power and live their very best life.