Over and again it’s been proven that concrete painting is not a cake walk for everyone. Only professionals can cater to such requirements. A concrete surface is certainly more difficult to work; especially when it comes to painting this is toughest of surfaces requiring skills, equipment, tools and a considerable amount of time. A wall made of concrete needs more precision and hard work to appear flawless as they are the trickiest surfaces professionals deal with, when adding a coat of paint. Concrete surfaces are a sucker of paint and transport moisture faster than other surfaces. 

Do you want to lay your hands on a concrete surface just like a professional? Hold on just right there! Did you know a paint job on a concrete surface is going to take more time to finish than a normal wall? Here is how you can proceed with the task: 

Clean the surface 

This is the first vital step to approach the job. A concrete surface is known for being totally porous and hence can easily trap in dust and grease. In order to remove the debris, dirt or grime off the surface, use eco-friendly pre-paint cleaning solutions or some amount of trisodium phosphate. Did you just notice moss and moulds thriving on foundation of the structure? Don’t worry! Use pre cleaning techniques to get rid of them. The pressure washer will eliminate them off roots. 

Moist concrete often gives rise to white powdery substance which can be easily eliminated with masonry cleaner. 

Strip off older paint 

That’s right! In order to pave way for a great Concrete Floor Painting in Perth, you have to first concentrate on the prep work which will demand you to strip off any older coats. You can either use the wire brush or paint scraper along with elbow grease to get rid of all types of old paint coats. 

Prime up the concrete 

Concrete primer is not like regular primer. It is called block primer and is meant to fill up the pores of a concrete surface. Ask Painters in Perth, they will give you a complete detailing of the kind of primer you need for preparing a concrete wall for painting. 

If you are aiming for the exterior walls, bring in exterior grade fillers. Similarly there are interior concrete fillers which are suitable for interior concrete works. 

Paint the concrete surface 

Masonry painting is not easy like drywall painting and demands substantial time for flawless results. It is being said that masonry paint is appropriate for concrete painting since it comprises binders which can subsequently expand or contract with concrete. Remember exterior paint can crack on concrete. Masonry paint can further be tinted. It is usually thicker than most of the exterior paint options you get in the market. With the help of masonry brush and a high capacity roller it becomes possible to paint concrete surfaces. 

Most of the masonry paint you find in the market is thicker compared to exterior paints. Containing finer particles they may not be the ideal choice for spray painting. 

For a professional touch, it is better to rely on a professional. 

Author's Bio: 

the author runs Concrete Floor Painting business in Perth. Recently the author has been writing blogs based on core areas of concrete painting.