The brain has as many nerve cells as there are stars in our galaxy and galaxies in our universe – over 100 billion. With high-speed cameras and high-powered lenses we have expanded our view of both the minute quantum details of life on earth and the contents of the depths of our universe.

One thing we can all agree upon is that today’s science has proven that life is beyond what meets the eye.

One thing many may not know, however, is that today’s science is also producing evidence that life is also beyond what meets all of our other senses as well. Recent studies show compelling evidence that our ability to understand and interact with the world around us can be sensed and experienced beyond the five senses. Evidence suggests there is a “sixth sense”.

Emotions are universal. Worldwide and throughout history, human emotions and the facial and body expressions that convey them are recognizable and uniform. We pick up the emotional cues through our senses (primarily sight and sound), however, there are people who seem to be more in-tune to emotional cues than others. Many people can read others’ emotions without the noticeable cues that the rest of us would expect, and others even claim to feel the emotions of those close to them.

Could it be that emotions are expressed and transmitted to one another in ways beyond what our five senses can detect? Beatrice de Gelder, a cognitive neuroscientist and neuropsychologist from Tilburg University in the Netherlands has produced evidence that we do, in fact, sense emotions beyond our vision. In a study she has been conducting on blind participants, she has discovered what she refers to as “blind sight”. The participants in this study are completely blind in only one eye. They are set up to view computer screens, one for each eye. They are shown images of people, including some photos showing human emotion. Since all people react in imitation automatically (and often without awareness) when they see any emotional display, detectors on the participant’s face record slight movements indicating their own emotional reaction to what they are seeing (or not seeing). When the good eye is shown a photo of someone smiling, muscle impulses are detected indicating the reflected emotion. What may be surprising, and what is revolutionary about this study, is that when the completely blind eye is shown a smiling face the same muscle impulses are detected. Blind participants somehow sense the emotion of the expression in front of them, even though they cannot see it at all.

If blind people can sense emotion without sight, we all can.

And if emotion can radiate outside of our bodies and be detected by others, how far does it go and is there a way to detect it? Roger Nelson of the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) has been collecting data that shows us that emotions can, in fact, be detected over vast distances. Emotions and thoughts are patterns of electrical activity in our brains. Even knowing this, scientists were surprised when time after time it was found that random number generators were affected when the people observing them focused on them. Random number generators are just that – machines that generate totally random numbers, continuously. They were designed so that no outside force could influence them, however enough evidence exists today that shows that:

Human thought can affect the random numbers that are generated.

Pioneers of the GCP began experimenting to see whether a community’s collective thoughts/emotions could affect the numbers, and the results show that they do. The generators have been placed in select cities around the world and the data is collected and analyzed in comparison to large, emotionally charged events that happen near to each site. The data has consistently and clearly shown that differences in the random sequences of these generators are detected, to a degree that is statistically significant, when important events happen nearby. For example, after the announcement that Barak Obama was elected president, the generators displayed changes in the sequences twice, once when the announcement was made and once when he took stage to give his acceptance speech. The odds against chance of this happening any other time are 1 billion to 1.

The Global Consciousness Project has shown how collective emotional states can be detected, and Rupert Sheldric confirms these findings with his work on morphic fields, which form within and around groups or units and organize their characteristic structure and pattern of activity. It’s no mystery that the magnetic field of earth plays a vital role in sustaining life on earth. Not only does the magnetic field shield us from the sun, it is also used by animals for navigation and, research now shows, humans for communication as well. Sheldric’s work includes studies on what many call the sixth sense, specifically whether we really can feel when someone is staring at us.

We each have a morphic field and it is an extension of ourselves. In one study, the researcher blindfolded the participant and stood behind glass in a room behind the participant. The researcher would periodically stare at and look away from the participant, while the participant would speak into a microphone when prompted and report whether he or she felt as though they were being stared at or not. Consistently, this experiment produced results showing 16 correct and 6 incorrect answers.

This shows us that somehow we really do know when someone is staring at us.

The theory suggests that our ability to detect information at a distance is due to our thoughts and emotions, as electrical impulses, traveling from person to person along the waves of Earth’s magnetic field. A study was conducted to see if two people in the same magnetic field but in two different locations could communicate information. Each participant was put into separate rooms created to block the Earth’s magnetic waves. They were immersed in the same magnetic field by small machines attached around their heads. Both sat in the dark, and during the experiment lights were flashed at random in the room of one of the participants. Data on both participants’ vital signs and signals were recorded and compared to the timing of the lights. The fascinating results of this study showed that not only did the participant in the completely dark room have vital sign responses at the times the light flashed in the other room, but she reported seeing a light at that time coming from the side of her head that the light had been on in the other participant’s room.

The blind can sense emotion, collective emotions can be detected by random number generators, we really can sense if someone is staring at us, and people immersed in the same magnetic field can share common information and experiences. The evidence that a sixth sense – an ability to sense beyond the five senses – is substantial, convincing, and growing. Leading edge science is beginning to support what many of us have known, and sensed – that we are more than our physical bodies, we can communicate beyond our senses, and we are collectively connected.

More scientific goodies lie further down the wormhole of the sixth sense, including quantum mechanics and String Theory, but we need look no further that the simplicity of random number generators for another layer of fascination. Not only can emotional information travel across space, there is evidence that it may transcend time as well. There was one date that stands out within the myriad of important events that were traced by the Global Conscious Project. On this date, the generators displayed a highly significant change, indicating the emotional charge of the residents of the surrounding area. This date was September 11, 2001 and the results were detected all around the world. The magnitude of the data results is not what makes this date stand out. What is significant is that the readings indicating emotional changes occurred BEFORE the 1st plane hit the first tower.

We are still not certain how everything really works, and perhaps we never will be. However, we are certainly blessed to live in this fascinating time in which science and spirituality converge.

For additional information, watch the Documentary Film Through the Wormhole: The Sixth Sense

Author's Bio: 

Natalie Amsden is a Transformation Coach who has worked with thousands of people seeking to live a life of purpose and genuine relationship with their true selves, others, and their world. Her background includes being the Director of the Adolescent Life Coaching Center, a counseling center for at risk teenagers and their parents. She is the Publisher of Transformation Magazine, an empowerment magazine that focuses on personal growth and spirituality. She is also a public speaker and leads workshops and retreats on Practical Spirituality, Finding Joy, Discovering Your Purpose, and Enlightened Relationships.