These day’s it’s hard to survive one day without a stain of some sort! Whether you have you kids, or you fancy yourself as a bit of a culinary chef or even if you’re just really accident prone, stains happen to everyone!

So what actually is a stain?

A stain is a discoloration that appears after a substance or object has had direct contact with a piece of material. Some of the classic ones we know today are grass, wine and the toughest of all stains grease.

How do you get rid of a stain?

One of the basic methods used to get out a stain, is to soak it in cold water for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it. I have personally tried this and I’ve notice this is no guarantee every time. Dependant on what the stain consists of it might be that it needs a tougher removal process. You can use corn starch and baking soda to remove tougher stains by scrubbing the powder into the stain with a cold wet cloth. It has also been recognised that white wine vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are great for stain removal as well, although I would highly recommend wearing gloves when performing these tasks, as the substances can be quite harsh on the skin. Should you choose to ditch the gloves and get down to it the old fashioned way then I would suggest giving your claws a thorough moisturise to stop them drying out.

If you don’t fancy getting your hands dirty and would prefer to go for an easier method, then there are plenty of stain removal products in the market that you can purchase first hand from your local supermarkets.

There’s also a third option which is usually preferred by those with busy lifestyles, and that’s dry cleaning. People have been using this service for centuries, even dating back to 79 AD in Ancient Rome, where early cleaners were addressed as “Fullers”. They used a combination of ammonia, lye and a clay called “fuller’s earth” to absorb dirt from their garments. Although modern dry cleaning certainly uses more advanced practises these days, in fact the idea of using clay now for stain removal sounds absurd!

So why should you choose dry cleaning over other cheaper options?

In the past dry cleaning services have been considered a rather expensive way to wash your clothes but you can’t fault the end results. It really is the most pristine way to clean some of your more expensive and delicate items, and don’t get me started on bedding. There is nothing more satisfying then slipping into crisp, freshly washed bed sheets after a long day in the office.

These days most dry cleaning services have sought after new and more modern ways to provide the ultimate service with guaranteed satisfaction. Companies are also offering more flexible ways to work around our busy lifestyles so that you can have peace of mind that your laundry will be sorted efficiently for your requirements.

Some dry cleaning services also go the extra mile and offer free collection and delivery, several of which can be found in the city of Brighton. A company called Click Clean Clothes is just one example of this and they even offer a next day dry cleaning service. Their flexible services mean you can arrange any dry cleaning, be it clothes, bedding or anything else to be collected free of charge and dropped off ready to use when needed. It really is a remarkable service with more than affordable prices that I would recommend to everyone. Why not give it a go?

Author's Bio: 

My name is Roxanne Tanner and I am a digital media blogger, that reviews many websites and mobile applications within the creative digital design and development sector. After recently looking for dry cleaning services throughout the Brighton and Hove, I came across a company called Click Clean Clothes, who are a fast dry cleaning company that offer free pick-up and delivery with all their services.