There can be many struggles you face when operating your own business. In fact it can be an intensely emotional experience, especially when you are dedicated to helping other people change their lives for the better.

So, we wanted to give you some food for thought:

Did you know that we can only experience one emotion at a time?

Did you know that all our emotions vibrate at a certain frequency? Some higher like love and some lower like anger.

Did you know that everyone has receptors for these vibrations? This is why we get a “good feeling“ around some people and a ”bad feeling” around others. The higher the vibration, the “better” the feeling.

So, do you want to know the secret to instantly elevate your vibration?

Well, it’s really quite simple – it’s called gratitude.

You see, gratitude is like a secret passageway or gateway to not only higher vibration, but to connection. When we are grateful, we instantly acknowledge and connect with the best and highest in whatever we are grateful for.

And since we can only feel one emotion at a time, when we are feeling grateful we are vibrating at one of the highest vibrations we can and this higher vibration is transmitted and received by everyone we come in contact with.

What does this mean for your business? It means you have a choice:

You can harbor fear, doubt, anger, resentment or any other negative (low vibrational) emotions and push clients away.

Or you can come from an attitude of gratitude and connect with the highest in your clients and potential clients and become very, very client attractive.

When we’re working with a client and they need to quickly up level their connection, mindset and energy, we give them a “gratitude assignment“.

Every day they email us 10 things they are grateful for right now in their life. After a few days their outlook completely turns around, because they are connecting with the more positive emotions and they are connecting more with their Source.

Author's Bio: 

Putting into action the very system and principles they teach, Paige Stapleton and Brian Stark left careers that were leaving them feeling small and unfulfilled and followed their bliss! Now, as founders of Authentic Marketing, and The Authentic Marketing System™, they have created a life they love helping healers, practitioners, therapists, coaches and other helping professionals build a thriving local practice as well as a powerful online presence, so they can create a consistent flow of clients and make more money without compromising their integrity.