Part-7: The Mystery of Karmas and Its Influence on Jivas

1.0 All Jivas are bonded in the chain of Karmas since eternity which is the cause of worldly bondage. As a result Jiva roams in the four realms of existence. In each next generation of life, the Jiva has a new face and form. There is a big question about the role of Karmas in pushing the Jiva to four realms of existence. How does Karma perform its role? Many believe in Karmas. A large number of human beings do not believe in Karmas because the Karma particles are invisible while the space is fully dense with them.

Many human think that the best realm of existence is to get a seat among celestial beings. Their thinking is based on the extreme power and pleasure of enjoying life, ability to go anywhere in the universe and to do whatever they like, as perceived, to be enjoyed by these celestial beings. As a matter of fact it is not difficult to get this phase of realms because the number of celestial beings is innumerable-innumerable times more than the population of human beings (4). The heavenly category of celestial beings is difficult to obtain. It is important to know that after getting a seat, if one thinks I am free to do whatever I want, it is a wrong conception. Because every celestial beings are bonded with laws and he has to work within the limit otherwise if all use their own power, it can destroy the whole universe and spread instability. But this has never happened since eternity and hence it will not happen in future also.

Human beings are not aware that the permanency in realms of existence is not at all stable because Jiva is bonded with the chain of Karma. Unless the total Karmas are shackled, the roaming of Jiva will continue. This is the law of nature. The heavenly abode also comes under this category. Human beings should understand this point of view. However the soul from the point of view of substance is pure because every substance is a self existing entity and is not made with the other substances. From the point of modification, the soul is impure. To-day on our earth, no Jiva seems to be pure. The reason for the impureness has resulted from the association of Karmas in the spaces of soul. Therefore Jiva is bonded with modifications and thus with the body. Poor want to be rich and rich want to be richer. All the time human beings are swimming for the imaginative desire of fulfillment. This kind of desire brings no benefit because it is a hard fact that man comes bare handed and goes without taking anything even his own body. Why is then one racing to procure things unnecessarily? While the fact is very different that, all the pleasure giving materials come automatically due to principle cause of fruition of good Karmas done previously. This is a very hard fact and many have observed this. Despite it has not been accepted in reality. In fact desire and excessive Trishna etc result in continuous Karma bondage. These clusters of Karmas are of two types: one good deed Karma and other is bad deed Karma. As we sow so we reap, that means, the bad deed Karma give undesired things to beings and good deed Karma give fruition of desired things. This kind of arrangement is self made between Jiva and Karma. Many think there is an institute in the space where a judge decides what kind of punishment or rewards is to be instituted. If that is the case imagine how many judges will be needed to watch over all this and order round the clock! In reality, there is a natural relationship for the thought Karma of living being and then only then can that material cluster be attracted or assimilated and then Karma bondage with spaces of the soul occurs. Accordingly the fruition of Karma provides the results of happiness or sadness. This is, in fact, a relationship of mutual auxiliary cause.

Jiva, in fact, always had a desire of good fruition since eternity. Whenever he gets the undesired things of his bad deed Karma, he becomes sad. He knows this but does not accept it. Most times he says that he has not done any sins in the present life, so why is he sad? How can other people who have indulged in all kind of bad deeds be enjoying and having all kind of worldly materials? This way, people think then they have not understood the nature of reality and the phenomena occurring. He must know that the previous Karma can not release you free from the happening of fruition of bad deed Karmas. It is, therefore, unnecessary to comment others. It is the hardest fact, as you sow, so you reap. Knowing this, still one indulges in bad deeds. Group of people think that doing bad deed Karmas will full fill the long standing desires and then doing good deed Karmas will wash away the effect of bad deed karmas done previously. This kind of thought is wrong because it does not happen so. One gets the result of fruition separately and the intensity of fruition will depend on the basis of relative intensity of the thoughts. We should know that material cluster have no power of seeing, hearing and thinking. Therefore as Jiva conducts, accordingly Karmic vibration occurs and Karman clusters start functioning. They calculate the net effect at a much faster speed then computer and bind the fruition in respect of substance, area, time and action with the spaces of soul.

2.0 In order to understand the phenomena of Karman cluster, one needs to know that matter has 23 type of cluster formation (6). Not all these clusters have the power of association with the soul except Karman cluster and NO Karman cluster have power of bondage with the soul and the universe is fully dense with these Karmas. The process of new formation of Karma clusters always occur and simultaneously the old are destroyed. The presence of these Karmas does not mean to bind the soul. Here we have to understand, what is the cause of bondage? Of infinite attributes of soul, one is psychophysical activities (Yog) i.e. vibratory activity through which the soul is able to accept Karma and quassi Karma particles in relation to the mind molecular particles, body molecular particles and speech molecular particles. It is an impure modification through which the soul’s space units vibrate. This has two forms – with the fruition of body making Karma and with the support of mind, speech and body, the soul has the capacity to accept Karma and quassi Karma. This capacity of the soul clarifies its internal attitude of the action as an instrumental cause, the vibratory activity of the soul’s space units occurs. This is called material Yog.

3.0 Yog assimilates the Karmas which are then transformed towards the soul. This kind of activities is known as inflow (Ashrav) Karmas. Bondage (Bandh) tatav then binds these Karmas with the space of soul. This way, soul gets contaminated and becomes impure. Thus the bondage Tatav is an instrumental cause to make addition of Karmas with the soul. The cause of bondage is the result from passion-attachment-hatred. The previous Karmas done deliver fruition of passion through which Jiva again performs similar kind of functions. The reason for this development is wrong belief, anger, ego, greed and deceit. Bondage occurs due to five reasons:

3.1 Wrong faith: Jiva has wrong faith in reality. which means Jiva follows the opposite path to reality..
3.2 Vowlessness (Avirati): When one is involved in violent sinful activities and is indulged in worldly affairs and sexual objects. One does not think in killing the one sensed and Trus Jivas.
3.3 Carelessness (Pramad): This is also some kind of wrong faith
3.4 Passions (Kashay): It is soul’s reaction to the mild fruition of subtle passions and quassi passions. It covers all the five type described.
3.5 Vibratory activities (Yog): It is already defined above.

4.0 Whenever the Karmic bondage takes place, at that time Karmic materials shield the spaces of soul. At this stage, four kinds of activities occur together... These are – the nature of shielding materials, time period, density of covering materials and the type of fruition of Karmas. The analysis of four activities reveals that the causes of the development of Karmas are either passion or Yog. This way, partial activities for the type of particles and quantity of particles (Pradesh Bandh) is due to Yog. The duration and intensity of particles are due to passions. These are described briefly below:

4.1 Type of particles: There are eight types of Karma (the deluding Karma, the knowledge obscuring Karma etc) which bound the soul.
4.1.1 Knowledge obscuring Karma
4.1.2 Perception obscuring
4.1.3 Feeling Karma Pleasure producing Karma Pain producing Karma
The auxiliary cause for them are internal & external pain which arises from sadness, shock, murdering, Ninda, Aakrandan, Karuna vilap etc.
4.1.4 Deluding Karma (Mohniya Karma): The Karma which is an instrumental cause in destroying the soul’s right belief, right conduct attributes’ modes.
4.1.5 Age determining Karma
4.1.6 Body making Karma (Nam Karma): The Karma which destroys the subtleness attributes of the soul. Here the soul gets involved in different forms like four realms of existence, body etc. They are 93 types:
4.1.7 Status determining Karma
4.1.8 Obstructive Karma
4.2 Quantity of particles The amount of Karma bonding with the soul determines the quantity of Karma bondage. Such as high, medium, low intense Karma, accordingly the covering of spaces of soul occurs.

4.3 Duration of Karma The time that Karma remains bonded to the soul is called duration of Karma bondage. The bonding with low passion Karma cluster cannot stay for longer time. Those that are bonded with the high intensity would stay for very long time. The longest and shortest duration of time of karma are given below:

4.4 Intensity of particles : The Karma when bonded with the soul has the capacity of giving fruits. The potential intensity of the fruition is called the intensity of bondage.

The quantity of particles covering the amount of space of soul becomes the causes of enjoyment. The quantity of particles and duration are not separate clusters and these are built in the Karma itself but their power of acts appears to have different existence.

5.0 The total Karma is of 148 types and each has different functions. Out of 148, 120 are considered for the purpose of bondage. The rest 28 types are not suitable for bondage. 6.0 In brief, the karmas are described. These karmas include both the types of karma i.e. bad deed and good deed karma
6.1 Good deed karma help jiva in obtaining the things they desire. These are 68 types:
6.2 Bad deed karma) gives fruits to Jiva in obtaining the undesired things. They are 100 types:
7.0 It is said that karma are both type, either good deed or bad deed karma. It is also explained that the fruition of bad deed karma always provide undesired things which the cause of realm of existence in infernal and sub-human. Despite this fact, the human is involved in deceit, corrupted, unfriendly attitude and believe in wrong faith or preach. Also he makes plan to deceive others. This way, he does karma for the realm of existence in sub-human. The human is highly involved in possession of things and simultaneously he is involved in farming, financial loan works and doing work without thinking. This way, he commits injury to different kind of jives. Injury, thief, to take other wealth is bad deed karma. It is further to be noted that food, dusting, cleaning etc are also the causes of injury and we must do with extreme care. Careless and injurious thoughts etc may push the human to realm of existence in infernal life. It is utmost difficult to get human life and to get this, one should not have the thoughts of injury to others. Also attachment of things is required to be kept at low level. For this conduct, one should have good thoughts, bearing ness, reverence (to decrease ego, passion or no Jiva should feel sadness because of me), good behavior with mind, speech, body. In fact the affection is a tool to human life by which one can get fame, wealth, celestial being and the post of king of king,
There are number of vows but the main is non-violence. It has very deep meaning that the injurious thoughts should not form and even the fine violence done through the body, speech, mind occurring should be avoided.
Delusion and attachment are the causes of passage of the soul from body to another. Due to this, the human has attachment with wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, relatives etc and due to which various kinds of quarrel etc develops. The human is racing after the wealth, pride, ego, respects, wife, son etc while nothing is ours. We must reduce them as much as possible. To attain this, one should involve in study of real spiritualism daily and be practices which helps in stability of thoughts.The biggest wealth is the real knowledge and right knowledge is non-destructive wealth of the soul that shackles the chain of cyclic birth and death.

Author's Bio: 

Mr. Jain is a 1961 Science Graduate and subsequently did Mechanical Engineering in 1965. Soon after he joined the Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, India, as a Research Engineer and worked there for 34 years. He has had many papers published in his name, in the area of lubricant techniques for evaluation.

He has worked as a free practitioner and a strong advocate of the stone therapy since 1985. He has studied the effect of gemstones, either precious, semi-precious or artificial types, on the human body for the control of various disorders using these gemstones in the form of rings, pendants, bracelet, metals etc

Recently Mr. Jain has introduced the concept of color energy through gemstone light massage to gear up the beneficial effect of the gemstone therapy at an accelerated rate. He is also engaged in the R & D work to explore the possibilities of healing cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, prevention of ageing, obesity etc.

The principle ideology of Mr. Jain is based on the eternal question, ‘The purpose of life is to have happiness, where does this happiness lie?’ Mr. Jain is inspired to know the ancient concept of happiness and wishes to harmonize a radical transformation helping individuals and the world.