Destiny- a path to mental peace

We talk about the power of destiny and does it transform our life so completely, so suddenly, so radically or not at all. Different people have varied opinion. However, many people believe that luck and effort both work together. These persons work hard to achieve the desired results but the net effect differs widely. Some fail badly and these people often blame their luck, stars, and karmas. The successful persons speak about their planning, type of efforts, ability. However, if these successful persons fail, then they keep on blaming luck, God, stars and so many things. Such people do not stick to their words and change their attitude as per time. They are always in suspense. Those who believe in self effort, feel the acceptance of ‘Destiny’ will cause the disappearance of self effort and the value of ability will become zero and then why should one work. Each one of us will become lazy and a chain of thoughts will prevail in his mind.
We have to understand that our chosen path already exist in the form of destiny? Are the events occurring in our life as per schedule time of destiny?? The suspense among us needs clarification with no ifs and buts. Astrology and specific dreams prove the activity of ‘Destiny’. If there is no faith in sequence activities then we will have to abandon the astrology and infringes of dreams. A large part of people still believe in astrology which is a fraction of knowledge of present future events. The story of dreams is full of world. As you saw the dreams, the same events in the same way occurred. One would have heard of people who have the power of perception of present future all of sudden. These persons were not able to explain the phenomena of generation and concievement of events. In present time science partly believes in omniscience and its existence itself denotes the meaning of destiny. Although its sense may not be known exactly to us. Besides Omniscient Gods, there were a large number of monks, saints etc who created the gross knowledge by renunciation and austerity. They were able to tell future events and modifications in view of grossness but within limits. This is again an indication of true nature of ‘Sequence Bound Modifications built in destiny’. Here we must remember that the knowledge is not the doer of things but he knows what is going on. He knows Moksa but is not the doer of self and has power of knowing independently. Therefore Omniscient Gods know all the conditions of substances, region, time and modifications and their knowledge is not the cause of destiny because the destiny is fixed, so they know. The ‘Sequence Bound Modifications of destiny’ clearly tells that the modes of the substance are to happen at the definite place, at definite time interval with instrumental cause and the same happens in the same place, time, and modifications with same instrumental causes.

It is seen that despite their best effort, people used to get different fruition and this proves there is some internal system governing that is not visible and not knowable to common people. This shows that the human does not act for the creation of things but in fact, he is an auxiliary cause which is built in the system and is the part of ‘Destiny’.
As per actions, the principal cause of any event consists of five main factors such as nature, instrument, effort, future inevitability, area. Accordingly the event will occur with the same process built in. The performance of such a fixed scheme in a substance occurs due to its self four properties of substance, time, space and modifications, and is called destiny.

They think self effort means that one has to work for others as per ones own planning or to alter the modifications as per requirement. It has to be noted here that in pre destined work, the self effort is included in that fruition. Hence in ones so called planned activities, the self effort is already defined which one does not know and one is exerting that kind of self activity. If self activities have to play the only role then each one should have obtained the same results but it doesn’t seem so. Therefore every event is consequence of self bound modifications and it is better to abandon our own pride of doing something
A true faith in ‘Destiny’ will help one know the correct and complete picture of coordination and perfect harmony of the universe. This reality will not allow ones mental power to fall downwards. During adversity you will conduct your duties with patience. As a result you will keep a balance of mental peace all the time and ego, pride, attachment etc will automatically be destructed. The atmosphere of fear will not commence. Consequently the delusion, passions, likings and dislikings will start decreasing. At the time of contemplation the natural thinking of observance and discrimination between self and non-self, doing by myself will get over and you will lean towards inner-self and a stability will come . This is the path of Moksa.

Author's Bio: 

Mr. Jain is a 1961 Science Graduate and subsequently did Mechanical Engineering in 1965. Soon after he joined the Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, India, as a Research Engineer and worked there for 34 years. He has had many papers published in his name, in the area of lubricant techniques for evaluation.
He has worked as a free practitioner and a strong advocate of the stone therapy since 1985. He has studied the effect of gemstones, either precious, semi-precious or artificial types, on the human body for the control of various disorders using these gemstones in the form of rings, pendants, bracelet, metals etc
Recently Mr. Jain has introduced the concept of color energy through gemstone light massage to gear up the beneficial effect of the gemstone therapy at an accelerated rate. He is also engaged in the R & D work to explore the possibilities of healing cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, prevention of ageing,Leucoderma, obesity etc.

The principle ideology of Mr. Jain is based on the eternal question, ‘The purpose of life is to have happiness, where does this happiness lie?’ Mr. Jain is inspired to know the ancient concept of happiness and wishes to harmonize a radical transformation helping individuals and the world.

By the understanding of the self automatically harmonizing & perfectly coordinated system of the universe, one can understand their true position for happiness and wellness about where we are and to where we want to go. In simple words an amalgamation of chosen principles of Astrology and Science hold the key to human happiness. This would support people through out the world to avoid controversies and lead the way of happiness. The world thus can become a place of opportunities for happiness.