Part-5: Mystery of Gross body Development and Power of Jiva

It is a known fact that Jiva has been roaming from one body to another in different modes of life since eternity. When death occurs, worldly Jiva leaves the body (gross body) but one of the body known as Karman body (fine body) associates with the Jiva (soul). With this body Jiva reaches to the place where new birth has to take place. After reaching there, various processes will start one after another. This is predestined as per Karmas computerized system automatically. At the place of new birth, the soul accepts the material particles comprising gross body, these material particles in the form of cluster of matter already exist and its development with the available material particles is called nourishment. For the development of body, the protein karma or physical karma functions with back power of development body karma. The power of body karma is of two types: 1. developed power and 2. Undeveloped power which means one dies before any development. In the development of body power, the food process follows in which food particles were collected in quantity, are now transformed into bones and liquefied portion is converted as blood and fluids part of the body. Now the third power i.e. senses power begins into specific senses (1-5 senses). After this, the fourth respiratory power starts in which the soul becomes an instrumental cause in converting food particles into the respiratory organs and functions. It is well known all Jivas have power of respiratory process. All the four processes described above are common in all the Jivas. The next power is of speech in which the soul becomes an instrumental cause in the food particles becoming converted to speech particles. One sensed Jiva has no speech power while other 2-5 sensed Jivas have this power. The next and last process is of mind power in which the soul becomes an instrumental cause in the transformation of material particles into specific mind particles which sits eight petals at the heart. Five sensed sentient living beings have all six powers. All the powers defined generate within 1-2 seconds. Further, bodily development of other parts of body will be completed as per sense and realms of existence of Jiva.

2.0 There is a question about the death of human being. In fact the death is a reversal process of birth. It means the vitality of Jiva dissociates. It can be said that the death is separation of gross body and soul. It can be further analyzed that the cause of death is the result of failure of internal and external vitalities of Jiva. Internal vitality is the power which resides within the soul and functions as instrumental cause for the external vitality, enabling them to perform their functions, where as the sign of external vitalities for the Jiva is determined for the power to think, power to speak, power to have body, power of senses, power of respiration and power to live life. The presence of these characteristics is called life and their absence is an indication of death. The external vitalities are:
2.1 The will power/thinking power is an important ability by which one can get rid of bodily disease. The weakness in it can bring you nearer the death. Hence, power of thinking is one vitality.
2.2 The second vitality of speech weakens the action of tongue and hence he can not speak clearly during death.
2.3 The third is ability to have body that is lost means death.
2.4-2.8 The vitalities of five senses like touch, taste, smell, seeing, hearing are lost means death.
2.9 The ability to inhale and exhale known respiratory power is very good indication for the common people of knowing death. Its loss means death. This indication is not always true because tiny holes on the body give the same function. It is seen that a human is declared dead on the basis of non-function of respiratory action but in fact death has not occurred and he is simply under deep unconsciousness. Under such circumstances, it is seen that the life has come back after some time. It happened because the respiratory action and ability to live life continued.
2.10 Ability to live life, if it has ended that means death.

Therefore, the loss of all the vitalities is called death and life will not come back. It can be said that the association of all the vitalities is considered life. Those souls attained Moksha have no vitalities defined above and this kind of soul does not need anything because the soul is liberated from the cycle of birth and death and now has supersensible happiness. To achieve this, the mode of human life becomes an essential factor and thus has a purpose to attain it.
3.0 No. of external vitalities in different kind of living beings:
3.1 One sense living beings have four vitalities:
3.1.1 Ability to touch
3.1.2 Ability to have body
3.1.3 Ability to inhale and exhale
3.1.4 Ability to live life
3.2 Two sense living beings have six vitalities:
3.2.1 to 3.2.4 as 3.1.1 to 3.1.4
3.2.5 Ability to taste
3.2.6 Ability to speak
3.3 Three sense living beings have seven vitalities:
3.3.1 To 3.3.6 same as given in 3.2
3.3.7 Ability to smell
3.4 Four sense living beings have eight vitalities:
3.4.1 To 3.4.7 same as given in 3.3.
3.4.8 Ability to see.
3.5A Five sense non-sentient living beings have nine vitalities:
3.5.1 To 3.5.8 same as given in 3.4.
3.5.9 Ability to hear.
3.5B Five sense sentient living beings have ten vitalities:
3.5.1 to 3.5.9 same as given in 3.5A
3.5.10 Ability to think.

4.0 There are two types of internal vitalities:
4.1 Internal senses
4.1.1 Internal touch
4.1.2 Internal taste.
4.1.3 Internal smell.
4.1.4 Internal seeing.
4.1.5 Internal sound.
4.2 Internal vibration of soul:
4.2.1 Internal vibrations due to mind.
4.2.2 Internal vibrations due to speech.
4.2.3 Internal vibrations due to external body actions.
4.3 Soul’s interactive capacity : This is the capacity in the soul, which enables the soul to interact with the matter. Because of this relationship, the mundane soul can expresses himself into his deluding state.

5.0 There are five types of body associated with the soul but in physic sense i.e. visible, there are two types:
5.1 Gross body: The birth of this kind of body takes place either by agglomerating process or by womb. All human and sub-human come under this category. The gross body consists of hard and soft matter cluster. Due to which bones, blood, fluid etc develop. Human with this body can move within 2 ½ Islands.
5.2 Protean body: Jivas possessing this body born by descent process (part-4). The celestial and infernal beings have this kind of body. It is a special fine body formation and has ability to take different shapes i.e. the ability to be cut into pieces and again becomes one body; ability to become fine gross body; ability to become light-heavy; ability to become small and big and many more characteristics. This type of body has no flash, bones, blood etc.
It can be said that two types of body described above widely differ from each other. One has normal working power while other has enormous power with a change in its form which is temporarily. Human has gross body with normal working power except a few specific status people. However, human can achieve special powers by vow and penance activities.
The other three bodies are:
5.3Assimilative/Conveyance body: It is a fine material body. It is neither harmful to others nor other can harm it. Its life is of short duration. This body can be achieved by those monks who have reached the sixth spiritual development stage (part-11). Such monks have special power to create a unique subtle body for the purpose of visiting the omniscient God in far off places for clarifying doubts arose. The subtle body is the size of a hand, comes out of the head of the monk and it stretches out so as to be in communication with the omniscient God from whom the information sought is secured. This body can move within 2 ½ Islands.
All the above three bodies need appropriate nourishment for their development.
5.4 Luminous body: The material belonging to this group is used by the soul to make a subtle body, which always accompanies the soul in its mundane existence. This body forms an essential link between its soul and its karmic body. This body provides energy required by the vital processes of the living organisms such radiance and digestion. It can be divided into class:
5.4.1 Undivided luminous body which is present in all the transmigratory Jiva in all the conditions
5.4.2 Divided Luminous body is a special power acquired by monks through Siddi. It is also of two types: a. auspicious luminous body comes out of the right shoulder of the monk for auspicious helpful and kindest work for the Jivas and gets rid off their adversities within a range of 12 yojans. It is a milky white body and after doing the given designated works, it goes back to original place; b. The non-auspicious luminous body comes out of the left shoulder of monk to destroy all JIvas and other related materials completely within a range of 12 yojans. This happens when a monk is under severe angriness and passion. After doing the job given, it goes back to original place and sometimes it burns the monk also.
The luminous body can neither be stopped by any substance nor can it stop any other materials. This body can move in whole universe.
5.5 Karman body: It is a form of eight type’s karma. All the transmigratory Jivas have this kind of fine body. After death or while leaving gross body for example, human body, then jiva roams with Karman body. The Karman body is the auxiliary cause for the formation of new gross body and the type body formation will depend upon the kind of Karman body. In fact, the soul is bound with the Karman body, a cause of obstruction for the soul to be librated. The four kind of bodies described above are not obstruction to soul in any way. Therefore the greatest enemy to soul is the Karman body. Each transmigratory soul is associated with different-different type of Karman body which not stoppable by any means and it also can not stop other substances. Karman body can move in whole universe.

The fineness of bodies in relation to each other is in the order of: gross body< protean body< conveyance body< luminous body< Karman body. The Karman body is an extremely fine body but the proportion of atoms is much higher than the luminous body. The luminous and Karman bodies are always associated with transmigratory soul since eternity but the destruction of karma occurs time to time and the association of new karma also takes place. This process ever continues till the soul is librated. Overall it can be said that during transit period, a soul is associated with two bodies i.e. luminous and Karman bodies. Similarly, celestial and infernal beings have three body’s i.e. protean body, luminous body and Karman body. A human being belonging to karmic lands can acquire various kinds of power (Siddi/Riddi) through their austerity and penance etc. They are of 8 types:

1. Knowledge: There are of various types and one can attain infinite knowledge (8).
2. Kriya : There are two types- a. one can move 4 inch above the land and water etc to a distance of 1000 yojans at a very high speed without disturbing other Jivas; b. One can fly in the space known as Akash Gamini within two and half Islands.
3. Vikriya : This has 11 types. Here one can contract or extend his body to any form.
4. Tup Riddi (Penance): This is 7 types.
5. Bal Riddi (Strength):
6. Aushdhi Riddi (Medical): This is of 8 types. One can acquire power to destruct all kind of disease by touch, by seeing, by speech etc.
7. Rus Riddi : This is of six types. The power acquired can destruct human and others.
8. Chetra Riddi : One can acquire power to provide foods from a plate to any numbers of persons and food does not get scared. Further monks sitting space never gets scared and any number of persons can sit there.

6.0 It can be said the human body and sub-human body are entirely different from the body of celestial and infernal beings. The life of later types of body is fixed as per their grades and designation. They have to spend the designated age and cannot come out from the respective places. It means there is no untimely death. However the celestial beings can move from one place to another, if desire that is also within the given limits. Heavenly celestial beings generally do not move because they are well acquainted with the natural system. There is another class of celestial beings known as Vayantra (8 types) roam from one place to another, although they have their designated places. Many of them live near the human beings (4) and can make some links with them under some circumstances. It is seen, many talk about Ghost, Goblin etc, a category of Vayantra celestial beings and they feel that these beings have no good attitude. In general people afraid of them. Many talk that these beings also indulge in sexual relationship with the human beings. Can one believe this as the basic structure of the two kind is so much different that it is not at all possible. Many also believe that these celestial beings eat meat, wine etc. In fact it is very wrong perception while they do not eat foods. They have got celestial gland in their mouth through which divine nectar comes out whenever they feel hungry that is also once a while.
There are good populations of people who believe that the bad and good luck are due planetary celestial beings and accordingly to nullify the effect of specific bad planet they worship them. Some feel they got the effect of worship and some not. There are some people who do not believe in this kind of act, they also never got any problem. All the contradictory statements appear. It can be argued then that there is something important and well planned system other than the prevailing which is going on beneath the substance. These are their past Karmas not visible to us. The rise of good deed karmas full fill the desired objectives and bad deed karmas bring the undesired objectives and Devas become auxiliary causes in many cases.
On the contrary there are various people who acquired power and can act like Devas and some are devotee to these people. Some people are very powerful even Devas would like to have friendship and help. Despite this fact a man unnecessary indulge in other short route path for an early achievement. It must be remembered that these kinds of powers can certainly helpful for the worldly affairs in the present mode of life but can not improve the grade for next mode. Therefore one has to decide himself what exactly he wished for?

Author's Bio: 

Mr. Jain is a 1961 Science Graduate and subsequently did Mechanical Engineering in 1965. Soon after he joined the Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun, India, as a Research Engineer and worked there for 34 years. He has had many papers published in his name, in the area of lubricant techniques for evaluation.

He has worked as a free practitioner and a strong advocate of the stone therapy since 1985. He has studied the effect of gemstones, either precious, semi-precious or artificial types, on the human body for the control of various disorders using these gemstones in the form of rings, pendants, bracelet, metals etc

Recently Mr. Jain has introduced the concept of color energy through gemstone light massage to gear up the beneficial effect of the gemstone therapy at an accelerated rate. He is also engaged in the R & D work to explore the possibilities of healing cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, prevention of ageing, obesity etc.

The principle ideology of Mr. Jain is based on the eternal question, ‘The purpose of life is to have happiness, where does this happiness lie?’ Mr. Jain is inspired to know the ancient concept of happiness and wishes to harmonize a radical transformation helping individuals and the world.