Part-2:The Mystery of Origin of Universe

1.0 Spanning century’s man has had the curiosity and quest to solve the puzzle of Whom, How and When the universe was created. The general belief is that a supreme authority that has been called The God created universe. In view of purpose and with some of his perceptions, man viewed God as the supreme power, creator of universe and man (or the Jiva). Also He made the laws as per which the universe functions.
Universe is vast, beyond imagination and to keep this in perfect harmony and coordination, there should be a big corporate sector (staff bearer) working round the clock responsible for this. Now the questions arrive, is that possible?? Why and for what did God shoulder the unnecessary burden of this vast entity?? When and from where did God come?? What was his purpose?? Can there be another Super Power??
To find an answer if we assume that this super power appeared suddenly and created the Universe in planed way, he would require the building blocks and the related aspects including the laws of the system. There is a universal truth that nothing is generated in vacuum and spontaneously. So what was the source?? Now even if we presume that this raw material was available, how can the laws of nature be created?? Aren’t they supposed be present ever since infinity??
We can further assume that every thing pre-existed including the laws and God only had to create. But then what and who was made first, in particular the Jiva?? Jiva cannot be created in isolation! To create a new Jiva both male and female Jiva need to be present together in time. To exemplify, who came first the hen or the egg?? Practically this question is wrong for both existed at the same point of time. Similar examples of ifs and buts can be quoted. It means these are eternal.
The Big Bang Theory explains beginning of universe as a ball of hot gases, which on cooling formed the galaxies and the planets, life evolved when conditions on earth became suitable to sustain life. But what was prior to this whole process?? In the time, this theory was formulated “The Soul (Jiva)” was not recognized, which the scientists in more recent times consent to as a conscious entity different from the matter. So with the very limited knowledge, man seeking an answer thought unidirectional and based on false beliefs and misconception, came up with this explanation having many ifs and buts.
In order to explain the origin of universe man needs to have a deeper vision and a logical approach regarding the fundamental system of natural qualities of self and substance and the characteristics of functioning and coordinating in perfect harmony. Why limit oneself to the Milky Way? Man needs to expand his mental vision to other planetary systems and the life that may exist there with no contact with him. He needs to understand the reality of perfection i.e. the coordination of the natural qualities of existing substances and their basic characteristics that are in perfect harmony.

2.0 The truth of Universe can be defined only by the Omniscient Gods who have attained infinite knowledge and conception. As per them Universe is self established, cannot be created and is indestructible. It defines the substance as a character with definite attributes and properties. The universe has six kind of eternal substances (Dravya). Substance is the constitution of characteristics qualities that is permanent under sequence bound modifications of appearance and disappearance. The modification in the substance ought to occur due to working capacity of the attributes present in every substance. These substances have the following common characteristics:
• Eternal existence is the property by which the substance was neither created nor may it ever be destroyed and maintains its eternal identity.
• Causal efficiency is the capability of performing any purposeful action. For example, the purposeful action of a water pot is to store water in it.
• Substance hood attribute is the property by which the substance keeps on changing. For example, the ocean keeps on changing its modes of waves but ocean remains unchanged.
• Eternal persistence prevents the substance from loosing its own specific substance hood. For example, sugar never gives up its nature of sweetness. Sugar and sweetness are inseparable.
• Objective attribute is the property by which it is knowable.
• Space extension attribute is the property by which a substance occupies a certain area, that means has a specific shape.

It is further added that each substance has its own authority and they neither touch each other nor intervene. They act independent of each other according to individual properties and qualities. The substance is complete in all respects i.e. neither less nor more at any moment. These substances are:

2.1 Soul (Atma): This is the consciousness or the living being known Chetna or thought. The six general characteristic stated for a substance imply for soul also. It has capacity to know, perception, and more. Jiva functions in self and has purpose to be happy. Compiling it’s all the infinite characteristics and power together, the soul becomes God (Pramatma). Infact, Jive is the entity lived in the past, continuous in the present and will live in the future also. Hence the soul is eternal (it is) and the same time is non-eternal (it is not) because appearance and disappearance of soul in the new physical form. In addition Jiva has power to move from one space to another space area. Jiva is said to be innumerable space body (Bahu pradeshi) and is invisible.

2.2 Matter (Pudgal): The term Pudgal is a unique word for the material substance and possesses the property of fission and fusion. The pure form of matter is atom (iv), which can not be divided further. Besides the common characteristics of a substance, it has natural characteristics of touch, taste, color and smell. The omniscient Gods have seen the shape of an atom, which is solid hexagonal and cannot be seen by eyes. The adherence of atoms (more than one) is known as cluster (skundh) which is visible and invisible. A skundh becomes visible if in infinite proportions. Matter has also power to move from one place to another Like Jiva and this kind of movement is the result of substantial cause (Upadan). Pudgal can never be destroyed and hence can never be created but its form changes. However, man does visualize new things every now and then. This happens due to joining and breaking of skundhs. The matter has close relationship with Jiva in different-different forms. Example is the formation of man, which is Jiva in transmigrating form. The spoken words and breathing etc are all matter. Jiva has mind, a matter Dravyaman also exitst near the right side of the heart as an instrumental cause to soul.

2.3 Principle of Motion (Dharma Dravya): It is an invisible and in active substance and does not possess the characteristics of smell, color, touch, smell. Its characters may be considered similar to the modern concept of ether in space that is an instrumental cause to all Jivas and matter for the modifications and movements at any moment of time. It does not direct them to move. Absence of this substance will result in stagnation. Therefore, its specific property is movement i.e. to help Jiva and matter for motion. So it is called medium of motion. It is a single compounded body spread over the entire universe. It is a self entity that acts independently without the interference of others. It exists in Lokakosh only and beyond loka it is inexistence and there is no movement beyond the universe. This proves the reality of this substance.

2.4 Principle of Rest (Adharma Dravya): The soul and matter can move themselves. The substance helps them to stop while they are in motion is called medium of rest. It does not give direction to stop. If it is not present, Jiva and matter cannot stay. It is an invisible and inactive substance and spread over the entire universe and is a single compound body. It is also present in limits of the universe thereby proving its reality.

2.5 Space (Akash): It provides accommodation to all Jivas, matter, medium of motion, medium of rest and time including self. Space where all the six substances are found is called Lokakosh and beyond lokakosh is Alokakosh where five substances are not found. It is an invisible and inactive substance. It is infinite space body form with the characteristic of expansion.

2.6 Time (Kal): It is invisible substance with the six general characteristics. Time substance is instrumental (Nimit) for completion of modification of each substance, but does not encourage other substances to function of modification. It is divided into two categories:
1. Natural or permanent (Nishchaya) time implies in the working of modification
of substances.
2. Worldly time is based on the movement of cosmos helping the substance to change every moment. That is why time substance is not single space body substance but innumerable space units (Asankhyat pradeshi) and each space unit of time is separate-separate spread over the entire universe at the atomic space unit level and known as the time atoms (Kalanu). Past, present, future proves its entity in the universe.

It can be said that the six kind of basic substances are permanent, indestructible, and cannot be created thus they do not have a beginning and are endless. These substances are independent and permanent but there is a change at every moment without leaving the basic entity. Changes take place in their natural as well as worldly form. Question may arise for the existence of other substances needed for human beings. It appears, a human needs material substance for its total natural requirements ( sleep, food, air, water, fire etc), movement, stay, living space and time. Nothing else he needs. Therefore, there is nothing more in the universe and everything come within the six substances and these are constant without any increase and decrease at any moment. The functional properties of each substance have been defined without which there are no purpose of their existence and the value of substance. Presence of every substance has a value and purpose. The functional characteristic of the substance is instrumental in helping each other for meaningful functions. In all the real substance three functional states take place at a time during purposeful action, which are creation of a new condition and at the time destruction of premier condition together with the permanency of the substance. It means the substance has creation-destruction-permanency qualities.

Except matter all the substances are invisible. Matter is also invisible when it is in pure form i.e. atom. The existence of these substances must show some kind of form. Understanding this form, the whole universe can be assumed a division of very small area which is the space covered by an atom. This space point is defined as space unit (one Pradesh). Hence such space units in the universe would be innumerable numbers. This space is infinite compound space body along with the property of expansion (roop) form where as medium of motion and rest is spread over each space unit as single body with expansion property. Matter substance is an atom in pure form but its bonding makes the matter infinite compound body. Soul is also innumerable space compound body with expansion property (Vistar roop). But time substance is space unit body and innumerable in numbers. The separate existence of time substance is due to matter in pure form and soul.

Medium of motion, medium of rest, space and time substances are motionless and stay at their own space units that mean they do not travel from one place to another. They function in their own space. Jiva and matter do go under modifications, can move from one area to another area and simultaneously can stay independently as desired. For the later two substances, medium of motion and stay are instrumental cause for the motion and stay. It has to be in mind that these two substances do not encourage or direct Jiva and matter for motion and stay. Thus it can be inferred that the modifications of every substance are sequence bound which happens in their own time as per real self- force of the substance. Therefore the modifications in the visible substances of the universe are not apparently appeared but are definitely orderly manner. Conventionally appearance of modifications is disorderly. In deeper sense everything is fixed in a sequential manner as if some one has planned in advance. To this apparent planning man gave the name of God, when in reality universe is self established with no beginning and end.

3.0 Everything in the universe can be known but the perception can be differing widely leading to controversies. This happens because a substance has many properties that give different appearances. An observer looks at one specific property and takes it as the only form while another observer looks at some other specific property and emphasizes upon that. Each is considering the reality of the substance in their own perception that weakens the subject with no results. The result is misconception. Therefore, to understand the reality of the substance, Syadwad-Anekanwad is a basic principle for application. For example every substance in relative aspects (sense) to other qualities is permanent but at the time, in relation to modification point of view, the same substance is changeable i.e. creation-destruction. Therefore both the aspects (Dreshiyan) have to be taken into account else the reality of the substance will never be known. It can be further elaborated that every substance has several faces, for some it appears single faced while at the same time from the point view of its qualities, the same substance becomes many faced ness. In order to have all round knowledge and perspective, the substance is required to be viewed from different points of view i.e. in terms of relative terminology. It is also to be kept in mind that every single faced appearance of the substance has a contrary face (it is not). Therefore things explained through syadwad-Anekantwad tell the reality of substance and in fact illuminate the truth.

Taking all the perspective and characteristics of the natural substances into consideration the substance is not destructive and hence it cannot be created. Thus nobody has planned the universe and it is self established and eternal without a beginning.

Author's Bio: 

Jain is a 1961 science graduate and subsequently did mechanical engineering in 1965. Soon after he joined the Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun as a research engineer and worked there for 34 years. He has had published many papers in his name, in the area of lubricants techniques for evaluation

He has worked as free practioner and educator of the stone therapy since 1985. He has studied the effect of gemstone-precious, semi-precious and artificial on the human body for the control of various disorders using rings, pandals, bracelet, metals etc

Recently he introduced the concept of color energy through gemstone light message to gear up the beneficial effect of the gemstone therapy at accelerated rate. He is also engaged in R & D work to explore the possibilities of healing cancer, kidney failure, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, , prevention of aging, obesity etc.

The principle ideology of Mr. Jain is based on the eternal question. The purpose of life is to have ,where does this happiness lie? Mr Jain is inspired to know the ancient concept of happiness and wishes to harmonize a radical transformation helping individuals and the world.