Perhaps one of the greatest myths about selling is the idea that a good salesperson is born not made. Many still believe the old idea that if you have got the gift of the gab, and can talk to anyone at any level, then you could probably sell sand to the Middle East. Unfortunately in the modern world, and especially in business to business selling, these factors are merely the raw materials that are the basis from which an excellent salesperson is created. So how do you build on those assets you already have? What do you need to do to ensure you have the right qualities to create a great sales career?

Consider a Sales course

There was a time when selling was just a job you fell into, learnt on the job, and the good survived. Now the practice of selling is much more of a science where the perfect pitch can be prepared for, you can learn the best way to network and build business relationships, and learn how to organise your time as a free agent. A qualification such as this will add so much to a CV or Job application.

Learn from those who have become successful

If you are already in a sales position or there are no sales courses around, you probably have some excellent mentors around you already. Seek out successful sales people in your own business, and try to strike up a positive relationship. They will be complimented by the fact that you look to them for advice and tips. Use them to bounce ideas off and share your enthusiasm for being in sales.

Feeling comfortable in positive social interaction

You may be able to talk the hind leg off a pony but this is near to useless in creating strong business relationships, positive pitches and a fulfilling career. You need to be able to listen, to work with people on all levels, and understand body language and basic social psychology. You need to learn to interact with others and not just hold fort. You can do this by joining hobby groups and practicing your skills and also business networking meetings where you can network and also present your company.

Learn the skills of research

Behind every good pitch there is an enormous amount of preparation and it is more than just knowing your product or service. You need to be selling the overall company brand (so you need to have facts and figures that highlight your company’s strong points) but most of all you need to know your client and target market. You need to understand what their requirements are, why they my use your product, and a history of their organisation too.

Author's Bio: 

Nick Cassells is a web writer and works in partnership with, a highly respected recruitment agency for the construction industry. They particularly specialise in providing construction sales personnel to UK business. You can view other articles on salesmanship and all their services at