Today, more than ever, it is clear we can improve our capabilities and acquire new skills. We learned and internalized that just like we can develop our muscles and flexibility in the gym; we can also develop and improve our creative thinking abilities, our spatial perception, our ability to focus and concentrate, our memory skills and many more.

Many ways exist to improve our skills. A person, aware of its capabilities, especially for preserving the mental abilities and memory durability; has variety of options to do so. We learned that to succeed at work, we must be more creative, to improve our lives sometimes we need to think outside the box, capabilities such as memory, concentration, spatial vision can make a difference for us when we need our self-confidence and exhibition skills.

Books and guides, videos and movies were made on the subject. Experts are holding workshops in almost every subject you think off, improved language fluency and ability to concentrate, improve spatial perception, ability to learn and deduce, improve memory and more. You can choose to sit in class with several people and learn how to remember more and forget less, how to calculate and perform various arithmetic quickly, how to become a creative and sharp mind and how to be more successful in solving the weekly puzzle in the weekend newspaper. You can try and teach yourself almost everything.

The question is, when needed, when it’s absolutely necessary, will you be able to use your learned rules. Will you be able to internalize and use what you've learned even when you're nervous and preoccupied? Will you be able to think different and formulate a new idea to your colleague at work in a time everybody is seeking for solutions?
The answer is, it would be easier if the feature, the skill to do that, was engraved inside you! Deep in your subconscious.

Using the learning tools you are given is good and necessary way to solve problems, invent a new idea, to analyze a situation and act accordingly, but it is easier if it comes naturally, from deep inside you and not as a memorable manual.

Confucius, the greatest philosophers in ancient China, said:

"What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I know. “

And here lies the secret that will lead you forward. You have to act! Make your own steps! Invent your own ways to learn!Reading books or hearing tapes is a good and easy way to improve your abilities, but more difficult to internalize and therefore more difficult to cause an action through your subconscious. You need to reach your own solutions so your problem solving mechanism will be ingrained in you.

You have to understand yourself what makes you be more creative, how it is more comfortable for you to remember more and what you should do to concentrate under pressure. The added value, and perhaps most important in this process, is that you did it yourself! So, your self-confidence, your ability to think, calculate, invent and solve will prevail.

If you do not do, you would not know! Or it will be much more difficult.

Author's Bio: 

Creativity, Spatial & visual perception, Memory, Concentration & Paying attention, Ability to learn and deduce, and Thinking outside the box. These skills are important for you, contribute to your success in life and define your personality. Would you like to improve and develop them?

ChallenGenes - Develop, learn and improve your skills by playing fun challenging games.