The Realm of Possibilities
There is a realm that one can operate on where the impossible becomes possible. There is a place or plane in reality where there are no limits. It is hard to comprehend with our finite minds, however. It takes incredible faith. It takes a faith that is unlimited, undefined and pure. It takes unleashed faith to ride the waves of the incredible possibilities of life.
Often, we have been imprisoned by the people around us to think in narrow, limited ways. It takes guts to cut the cords that bind one to others’ constricted views. It is easy just to remain complacent and cowardly accept the preconceived notions of timid people. People usually like to control the heights to which another more enlightened being wishes to travel. It may just be human nature, or perhaps the competitive spirit that causes this phenomenon.
Whatever the reason for complacency and stagnation, and the desire to remain ordinary, there is an answer, a way to break from the grips of mediocrity and soar into the realm of the materialization of the impossible. Seems too good to be real, doesn’t it? In actuality, anything is possible if you believe!
The following are some points to break out of the usual patterns of the mundane and rise to new plateaus of thinking wherein the impossible becomes possible and miracles take place:
1. Don’t indulge in conversations with others that involve complaining and griping. Such conversations thwart growth and cripple the legs of faith. Conversations that entertain murmuring and criticizing are useless. They are poisonous to spiritual growth.
2. Do not discuss age, size or anything that others can use to limit your faith or imprison you in their preconceived notions. For instance, you may want to start a business at 75. Because someone else has the idea that 75 is too old to start a business, they may attempt to limit you because of their understanding of what it means to be 75. That age to them may mean using a cane or a wheelchair. This is not necessarily true for all people of that age.
3. Don’t allow others to talk you out of your beliefs, plans or goals, just because they haven’t accomplished the thing you are attempting or haven’t seen anyone else succeed in it. Don’t let anyone’s limited experiences or viewpoint, douse the flames of your belief.
4. Don’t talk yourself out of believing that anything is possible. Change your self-talk to what you can accomplish. Do not rehearse failure in your mind.
5. Feed your mind with positive, life supporting books, and CD’s. Don’t feed your mind anything that is contrary to what you want to materialize in your life.
6. Pray and believe. God has the answer to all things. When you ask Him to do the impossible in your life, believe it and He will.
In essence, don’t let anything get in the way of you reaching for the possibilities of life. Be open to the unlimited idea that anything is possible if you believe! (Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:24 Holy Bible-KJV)
Bio of Dr. Emily Grant DeCarlo
Literacy Instructor for RoseBridge Community Arts, a program of the Hopewell Museum of Art and Intercultural History
Author, poet, educator, spiritual adviser, evangelist, consultant
B.A. Social Welfare Systems-Hampton University-Hampton, Virginia
M.Ed. Guidance Counseling-Hampton University-Hampton, Virginia
M.Ed. Special Education-Virginia State University- Petersburg, Virginia
Three year Leadership Training Institute- Chesterfield County Public Schools Leadership Program in conjunction with University of Richmond’s Jefferson School of Leadership
PhD.-Christian Education- 2007 Living Waters Biblical Institute-Petersburg, Va.
Special Education Teacher: Chesterfield County Public Schools- 1996-2011
Special Education Teacher: Petersburg Public Schools- 2011-2013
Associate Minister- Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, Hopewell, Va. 2003-present
Co-pastor- Bible Covenant Believers in Christ Deliverance Ministries, Petersburg, Virginia
Founder of The Grant DeCarlo Institute for the Healing Arts -2013
Licensed in ministry-July 1998-New Hope Christian Center-Hopewell, VA
Ordained as minister-May2007-Living Waters Biblical Institute, Petersburg, Va.
Inducted into Tau Sigma Delta honor society for contributions to Literature (Virginia State University Chapter)
Book: “Let it Shine” used as supplemental text for English 211 (creative writing class) at Virginia State University
Poem: “Epiphany” published in Essence magazine, January 2008 edition (page 116)
Published works (poetry): “Secret Dimensions”; “Full Moon Rising”; “True Stories”; “So You Can Know Me”; “Come Sunday Morning”
Research based published works: “Using Poetry to Promote Reading and Language Acquisition”
Other published works: “The Crab Effect” (inspirational book on handling the haters in your life based on the story of Joseph in the Bible);
Poetry CD entitled “Journey” 2009
Blog: “The DeCarlo Files”
Founder and executive director of WEN (Women’s Empowerment Network)-1992
Guest speaker and lecturer: various colleges, universities and churches throughout the United States.
Poetry for Healing Workshop and Books
Contact Information:
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