Prostatitis can cause the prostate gland to enlarge, which compresses the posterior urethra and leads to abnormal urination, such as frequent urination and urgency. When a bacterial infection is involved, it can cause congestion, edema, and increased sensitivity of the bladder mucosa, resulting in a lack of urge to urinate.

Patients with acute prostatitis or acute flare-ups of chronic prostatitis often experience chills, fever, and other noticeable symptoms, such as frequent urination, urgency, and pain during urination. As the condition progresses, it can affect multiple body systems and may even lead to sepsis, contributing to the absence of the urge to urinate.

There are several reasons why a patient might not feel the urge to urinate when suffering from prostatitis. These include a temporary absence of symptoms, improper treatment, and concurrent cystitis. It is important for patients to seek appropriate therapy tailored to their specific situation.

Reasons for Lack of Urge to Urinate

1. The Disease Has Not Yet Manifested Fully

In the early stages of prostatitis, the inflammatory stimulation causes the prostate to swell and compress the urethra, which can result in a reduced sensation of the need to urinate. However, if the disease is still in its initial phase, the urinary sensation might not be affected yet. In this case, doctors usually recommend medications like amoxicillin or cefuroxime to manage the condition.

2. Improper Treatment

If a patient does not adhere to the prescribed medication regimen, such as not taking the medication on time or altering the dosage without consulting a doctor, it can compromise the treatment's effectiveness. This can lead to recurrent prostatitis and a subsequent lack of the urge to urinate. Patients must follow their doctor’s advice and avoid making changes to their medication dosage on their own.

3. Concurrent Cystitis

When prostatitis occurs alongside cystitis, it can exacerbate symptoms such as a lack of urination sensation, frequent urination, and urgency. This usually happens if the condition is not managed in a timely manner. Doctors often prescribe medications like levofloxacin hydrochloride or ceftriaxone sodium in such cases to control the symptoms.

Doctors often prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs such as ciprofloxacin hydrochloride tablets and cefixime capsules. If symptoms persist, traditional Chinese medicine like the Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can be used to clear heat, detoxify, promote urination, and relieve symptoms.

Besides, physical therapies like warm water sitz baths or microwave therapy can enhance local blood circulation, accelerate the resolution of inflammation, and alleviate pain, congestion, and edema. These treatments should be administered by professional healthcare providers.

If other treatments are ineffective, surgical interventions such as prostate puncture and drainage might be necessary.
Prostate Maintenance Tips

1. Drink More Water and Urinate Frequently

Drinking plenty of water helps relieve prostatitis symptoms by diluting urine and reducing irritation.

2. Maintain a Regular Sexual Life

Avoid unclean sexual activities, refrain from excessive ejaculation, and limit frequent masturbation to maintain prostate health.

3. Avoid Smoking, Drinking, and Spicy Foods

Smoking and alcohol can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to bacterial infections and recurrent inflammation.

4. Maintain a Positive Mood and Exercise Regularly

Anxiety and depression can affect normal urination. Engaging in regular physical exercise like jogging, walking, Tai Chi, or swimming can improve mood and overall health. However, long-term cycling is not recommended as it may compress the prostate and worsen prostatitis symptoms.

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