For months now, the girls in my older preschool class have been playing “princesses-getting-married.” Almost every day, some girls put on fancy dress-up clothes and act out a wedding. Even though there are boys in the class, the boys never ask or volunteer to join this play, so one girl plays the role of the “prince.” While the wedding is going on, most of the boys are on trikes riding around the room, sporting firefighter helmets and putting out fires. Often the boys wear building worker hard hats and loudly fix things with toy tools. The two groups sometimes glimpse at each other in mild laughter but they almost never interrelate.

If a researcher observed only those few moments of play, he could make the case that boys and girls never play mutually. However, in my classes, which comprise a small, unscientific sampling of children, boys and girls do play together. Boys sometimes make believe to cook and go shopping and girls work in the store or office. Both sexes put on Superhero capes and “fly” off our inside climber. They build with blocks, work on puzzles, draw and paint and play in our castle. I cannot say with certainty that my classroom is classic, however, I can say that the kids in my classes are regular, every day kids. We can assume that their play is usual and classic as well.

During the past few decades, there has been a great deal of research by Montessori training on gender differences in kid’s play and what those differences might mean. Several books and articles are trying to help parents know and act upon the research. Of course, we know there are organic and environmental influences on both boys and girls. These influences result in some behavioral differences. Boys appear to be more physically energetic, hostile, spirited, and less comfortable expressing emotions; girls appear to be more inactive, submissive, helpful, and emotionally open.

The problem in making comments about a group of kids is that every child is a person. There is always a danger in stereotyping people, whether by gender, race, religion or any other group, even when done with the best of purpose. When we try to place kids into categories, we risk preventive their real strengths, interests, and talents. Your child is exceptional and even though it is supportive to read what the experts have to say about boy play versus girl play, it is more significant to learn about your child from your child. By watching your own child, supporting her to experiment with a variety of toys and activities, and allowing her to additional explore those activities that catch her fancy, you will recognize more about your kid than any specialist could ever know.

How can you learn more about your own child’s interests? According to nursery teacher training Mumbai, keep an open mind. As with food, expose your child to a mixture of kids and experiences. Your local playground is a good place to watch your child interrelate with other kids. If possible, take your child to a hands-on children’s museum so he can choose from many activities. Find a toy store that specializes in high-quality toys; your child will settle toward those he finds most attractive. The children’s division of your documentation will open your child’s mind to new wonders and ideas. If your child is occupied in a play school, ask the teacher about your child’s interests. When you visit other homes, watch to see which toys or activities are thrilling to your child. Limit TV programs with toy commercials intended at kids; they tend to direct kids to the poorest-quality toys.

As your child develops, her interests will change; be flexible enough to follow her lead. When a toy or activity is no longer age appropriate and challenging, your child will lose interest. When you buy toys, begin with basics: Toys that have more than one function, require imagination, and present a challenge. For example, there are many kinds of building blocks at every age level, from stacking blocks to wooden unit blocks to complex locking blocks. Music offers a range of activities, including singing, playing instruments, and dancing. Arts and crafts materials are multi-functional to stimulate imagination and introduce challenges.

Remember to read to your child; reading together not only enriches your minds, but enhances your parent-child relationship. Help your child and yourself learn more about himself, his interests, and his world through play.

Author's Bio: 

JohnCruser holds Master’s in Psychology Degree. He was working as supervisor in preschool teacher training.
Currently, He is working as course co-ordinator for early childhood care and education (ecce) & nursery teachers training institute (ntt) courses since last 20 years.