What is Subliminal Ads? If one searches the dictionary for the term 'subliminal', it is interesting to note where this word actually comes from. 'Sub' of course means below and the second part of this term 'liminal' is the Latin word for 'threshold'. It can now be concluded that the term 'subliminal' refers to the existence of something below the level or threshold of the conscious mind. The dictionary also notes that at the subliminal level any activity is not enough to register in the conscious mind but has the power to elicit a response, which when passed through the subconscious mind is immediately stored for future use.

It appears that a preferred word for 'ads' in this case is 'images'. We know that every thing we see and every sound we hear enters the brain at the conscious awareness level. It is a known fact that messages in these ads are purposefully hidden. Research has shown that the conscious mind has the power to filter images to the point that some are stored in the subconscious and some are blocked from entrance to the subliminal level. With this in mind, it appears that a single image may receive a different reaction depending on the individual. Some images which are distasteful to one individual, and therefore filtered out, are not distasteful to another individual and therefore are immediately passed to the subliminal level. While one consumer may immediately spot the hidden image or message in the ad, another may not.

Since the cost of producing subliminal ads is more than the production cost of most films and TV programs, the components are very carefully placed and more often than not, are not the real object but a representation of the object. In order to gauge the effectiveness of an image and to anticipate its power to capture the eye of the consumer, much time is needed for layout. In some cases since many more pictures are taken of the ad than for a regular ad, the actual image may not survive under the intense lighting needed to produce the ad.

There are two types of subliminal ads. One type is called 'symbolic', which usually has the images appearing in the foreground. The second type of subliminal ad is referred to as 'embedded'. The embedded ad costs more to produce and comes under more scrutiny and criticism than normal ads.
In the modern world, it is often difficult to find films or television programs which do not contain sex and violence. At least in the case of films and television programs, it is possible to have a visual and often audio warning message prior to the onset to state that the content is of a sexual and/or violent nature. In the case of subliminal ads, not only is it not possible for the ad to contain a warning message, the ad producers have no intention of distracting the reader's mind with any type of warning. It is also interesting to note that some of the best subjects for subliminal ads are sex and death.

Subliminal ads are designed to reach a carefully targeted audience, since the purpose and real power of subliminal ads are to evoke a long forgotten emotion to the message hidden in the ad.

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