If you’ve been doing any personal develop or “walking your path” for any length of time, you’ve at least heard (if not experienced) that gratitude is an incredibly powerful tool for manifestation.

However, if you’re anything like me, you may have had “a little” trouble really getting that idea of gratitude to “click” or connect when it comes to first building your business.

In fact, in the past, I could find all kinds of things to not be grateful for - no clients, creditors calling, rent being due, sky-rocketing heating costs - “gas is how much?”... You get the idea.

But what I had forgotten is that they’re called “Universal Laws” for a reason.... they are Universal AND they are Laws. So they are everywhere fixed and they don’t’ change... EVER.

And once I pulled my head out of my “Turkey” I remembered that if a Universal Law is at work in one part of my life, it HAS to be at work in ALL parts of my life.

If I can manifest an amazing relationship with an amazing woman (yes, I’m talking about Paige, in case you’re wondering) then I can manifest a profitable business, I can manifest clients, I can manifest anything I truly desire.

So, I began to look at the steps I took to manifest my amazing relationship and applied them to our business.

Get crystal clear about what I desire
Come up with a plan
Take action on that plan
ALWAYS come from a place of Knowing and Gratitude.

And today I want to focus on that Gratitude, because it’s often overlooked and is actually the secret sauce to manifestation.

You see one of the most powerful tools for manifesting your desires (any desire) is Gratitude. Gratitude instantly connects you with the Creative Source that created everything – including the thing you desire.

Looking at your life through grateful eyes brings you into harmony with yourself and the Divine, and can show you what has been hidden from your view.

Ok, now I can hear you saying, “But Brian, how do I get to gratitude, when I still don’t have what I want?”

Well, here are 3 steps to start moving you to that harmony…

1. Start Where You Are

Remember, it's important to start where you are, mainly because it’s the only place you can start. You can't act from the past, because it’s gone. And you can't act from the future, because it isn't here yet. All you have is where you are right now.

Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle that you can build - exercise and it will grow.

When I began looking for things to be grateful for, I had to start in my current situation. Being grateful for the 1 client we had. Being grateful we even had a website. Being grateful that I had enough gas to get into town (and back). That we weren’t having rice and beans today, etc. (Believe me…there was a time.)

You get the idea. It took a little time, each piece of gratitude building on the next. But more importantly it created a shift in my consciousness and awareness.

2. Making Room

If you ‘e unhappy with any current situation, be it you business, relationship, or anything else, you may have feelings of anger, resentment, bitterness and/or depression. These feelings can take up a lot of your energy, leave you exhausted and reinforce these negative emotions.

Energetically what you are actually doing is pushing the things you desire away from you.

Again Universal Laws ALWAYS work, so you will manifest whatever your dominant thoughts are.

On the other hand, if you decide to make a shift from these negative emotions and begin paying attention to what you are grateful for, you open the door to a new perspective and begin attracting the things you desire toward you.

When I was feeling negative and frustrated, I was blind to the possibilities and the opportunities surrounding me. As I began to look at all the reasons I was grateful, I began to feel a sense of lightness, joy, peace and compassion, and that is what opened the floodgates for more positive experiences in my life.

Think about how you feel when you are truly grateful for something. Most likely, you feel happy, peaceful, joyous, compassionate, loving and open. When you are in this state, you are more receptive to a new way of seeing things, unexpected solutions and opportunities, and even the possibility of change.

Consistent negative feelings close the door to your desires, and consistent gratitude opens the door to them.

3. The Grateful Place

If you allow yourself to come from a grateful place when looking at your life, your business and your relationships, you'll be surprised by what you discover and amazed at what begins showing up in your life.

Call to Action

Take a genuine look at where you are right now. Make a list of what you are grateful for – the people in your life, your family, your clients, your support system, your mentor, your assistants, your business (whatever shape it’s in), your home, your pets, your car... and then go deeper.

Find the beauty in those situations that aren't so clearly supporting you. If there is something or someone you are finding flaws in, dig down and see if you can uncover something to be grateful for - perhaps some new insight, an expanded awareness, or something that has helped you grow.

When you dig a little deeper below the surface, you may be pleasantly surprised by what you find.

I leave you with what Melody Beattie says about gratitude, “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

Author's Bio: 

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Putting into action the very system and principles they teach, Paige Stapleton and Brian Stark left careers that were leaving them feeling small and unfulfilled and followed their bliss! Now, as founders of Authentic Marketing Made Easy™, and The Authentic Marketing System™, they have created a life they love helping healers, practitioners, coaches and other small business owners learn the simple and holistic way to market and grow their service-based businesses, so they can attract more clients and make more money, while staying in integrity with their passion and purpose.