There have been many articles written about prayer and they always affirm the power of prayer in the lives of Christian believers and even sometimes for nonbelievers. Prayer can be a powerful force when a true believer applies the power of God to the issues of life.

When you pray you recognize that there is a higher power and you pray to that power you mentally take control of your situation by giving that problem to the higher power. You effectively remove the burden from yourself and turn it over to that power. You effective remove yourself from the problem and its consequences when you do this. You release yourself from the stress associated with the situation and place your faith in God. If you truly believe in God you will truly rest from the problem. Your problem has become his problem and he can do anything.

Prayer uplifts the spirit and helps you to deal with the mental and physical stresses which can overtake you if you aren’t careful. Prayer gives you the affirmation that your situation is under control and that you will come out victorious.

I have noticed that prayer is better for me when it is done first thing in the morning. Morning prayer sets the tone for the rest of my day. When I am able to break through to God first thing in the morning my day seems to run as smoothly as silk. Yes problems still come yes they are sometimes severe but they don’t keep me down. As a matter of fact they don’t seem to bother me much at all. Yes sometimes things will get under my skin but they won’t cause me to worry and fret. Problems come and problems go but when they come I am prepared for them. I can handle them without losing a step.

Prayer serves to bring you closer to God. When you have the mind of God you will see the problem the same way that he does. You will think about it the way that he does and the creator of our universe isn’t worried about any small thing that we may have going on in our lives. Neither should you.

I realized something about the power that God gave to man when we were created. When God allowed Adam to name the animals he didn’t tell Adam what to call them. He allowed Adam to call them whatever he wanted. God wasn’t concerned because he knew that whatever Adam said would be right. Adam had God’s exact DNA. The DNA was changed when he allowed the devil to talk to him but it started out right. Prayer serves to bring us closer to God and gives us his mind. When our thoughts are his thoughts there is no fear of failure no matter what happens in life. We can speak things into existence just as he did. We can’t get to this point without constant prayer and fellowship.

If you are suffering from fear about anything in life do as Abraham did when the Lord told him to go out and count the stars. I have done this and it really helps. When you look at the number of stars in heaven and keep in mind how they are kept in place by the power of God’s word you can’t help but feel humbled and awed by the power of our God. When you keep this in mind you will see how insignificant the issues that you face actually are. You will feel empowered to face the battles of life and the curve balls that life will throw at you from time to time. The Good Life

Author's Bio: 

Cedric Rice is the founder of Riceland Enterprises, which is composed of several different business ventures. This company is currently located in Georgia.
Riceland Enterprisesof several web sites that Mr. Rice owns and operates which is oriented towards consumers along with Military Ring Express, and Fragrance Oil Express