Auto-suggestion is constantly active, although we generally do this more or less unconsciously. For example, when we anticipate a meal at a favorite restaurant, our mind sends signals to the body that generates feelings of hunger, begins to develop saliva, and prepares the body for enjoyment of the meal. It is often said that the mind is the most erotic organ as it is through mental attention that the sexual drive is most frequently activated and energized. The brain is constantly sending signals to the various organs and functions of the body through release of neuro-transmitters, hormones and electrical signal transmissions. When we take a remedy to heal an illness we are at the same time sending a suggestion to the body that it is being supported in its fight against the disease condition. The link between the mind and the body, and the power and influence of the mind on the body is now widely, if not universally, recognised.

The power of auto-suggestion, however, is not limited to unconscious responses and stimuli, but can be consciously deployed to aid in the development, healing and strengthening of the body. Consciously generated thoughts and affirmations can have a positive influence on the body as well.

It is well known that the brain generates electrical impulses that can be captured and used to create synthetic speech for those who are unable to speak, to move artificial limbs for those who have lost the use of various limbs, and to even communicate with computers without keyboard or speech input, simply utilizing the power of the electrical signals sent by the brain. This same power can act as a means to strengthen the body and promote healing when it is consciously utilized to send positive signals to the body and the immune system in particular.

An interesting series of experiments was done by Masaru Emoto and reported in his book The Hidden Messages in Water. He utilized high speed, detailed photography of crystals formed in water that had been frozen to reveal the intricate shapes and patterns of those crystals. He subjected the water beforehand to concentrated focus based on various thoughts and emotions. In some cases, these were highly negative thoughts, and in others, positive or beautiful thoughts or emotions. The crystals took on a form that represented the thoughts or emotions focused on them. The differences were obvious and the results were reproducible. He proved therefore the power of generated thought and emotion to impact a material substance ‘wirelessly’ so to speak. When we recognise that our physical bodies are around 55%-60% water, it becomes clear that the impact is substantial, particularly as the thought or emotion is not “distant” but intimately connected to the individual body within which it is being generated.

The process, as described by Sri Aurobindo, includes both a positive affirmation of health and well-being, but also a blocking action to overcome the negative suggestions that tend to accentuate the power of illnesses through raising up of fear, doubt, depression and thoughts of negative outcomes.

Sri Aurobindo writes: “These auto-suggestions — it is really faith in a mental form — act both on the subliminal and the subconscient. In the subliminal they set in action the powers of the inner being, its occult power to make thought, will or simple conscious force effective on the body — in the subconscient they silence or block the suggestions of death and illness (expressed or unexpressed) that prevent the return of health. They help also to combat the same things (adverse suggestions) in the mind, vital and body consciousness. Where all this is complete done or with some completeness, the effects can be very remarkable.”

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Powers Within, Chapter VI Faith, pg. 54

Author's Bio: 

Santosh has been studying Sri Aurobindo's writings since 1971 and has a daily blog at and podcast located at
He is author of 20 books and is editor-in-chief at Lotus Press. He is president of Institute for Wholistic Education, a non-profit focused on integrating spirituality into daily life.
Video presentations, interviews and podcast episodes are all available on the YouTube Channel
More information about Sri Aurobindo can be found at
The US editions and links to e-book editions of Sri Aurobindo’s writings can be found at Lotus Press