The PERFECT STORM / Online Marketing
This article will define four current Trends that continue to impact our daily lives. You will find online business ideas that hopefully wake you up to take action and help you seek a balance with what used to be taken for granted in our consumer based society.
The article will also develop additional information and online business ideas on what is happening within our culture and economy, adding more impact to the four trends.
The key objective of the article is to get you to understand that our perceived way of life that drove our culture through the many decades since the 60’s until the late 80’s and early 90’s is gone. Today it is harder and harder to make six figure incomes. The deck is stacked against us and sitting around and complaining is not going to change the status quo.
If you want to go beyond survival income, which basically pays the bills and not much more, then you are going to have to take action and start your research on how to get off the treadmill, trading time for money, and creating your dream job and income. They say there are a million ways to make a million dollars online. The problem is that as “newbie’s”, the basic foundation for online success is missing and unless that person goes against the grain and succeeds in finding an opportunity that offers all the necessary information and steps to properly use in the pursuit of online income, they will continue to fail.
If you have noticed, there are literally thousands of online offers, all claiming to be able to generate million dollar incomes overnight, which we know is not going to happen. It takes someone with the fortitude and persistence to seek out offers that make sense and deliver what they promise, because they are there.
Look at the four leading trends impacting our lives today. This is information when used correctly can add value to what we wind up doing with our online opportunity. These trends are happening for a valid reason. We cannot depend on the old system anymore. We have to create or become part of a new paradigm, as it is obvious that what used to be is no longer. It is becoming more and more obvious that our political system needs an overhaul. To have congress people drawing $ 200,000 annual salaries with all their perks and benefits and all the inside information they are connected to in their position, does not seem to be working anymore. Did you know that the average Congress person’s net worth is over $ 700,000 and the Senate member’s average net worth is over $ 2M.
Am I using fear and doom and gloom to scare you? My only objective is to wake up more people to understand that today; they have to find their own way of generating income, as opposed to working for the large companies for survival compensation and still having to fund their own retirement, medical in many cases, and the lifestyle they envisioned.
These four trends and the information on current economic situations that will follow has to awaken your thoughts to what you can do and have to do to get beyond what is happening to the average American.
Massive shift to online buying.
It has become obvious from all the leading indicators that people like the convenience of online shopping and it is stated that over 50% of goods are now purchased online. Another sign of the Digital Revolution taking place in our country.
People are making less money.
Our dollar is not worth close to what it used to and is affecting anything having to do with the value of money. Because of the sliding value of the dollar, our checks do not go as far as they used to. Today people are being asked to wear multiple hats in their job and work longer hours than ever before for less money.
Massive government debt and deficits
Unless some control is exhibited soon, our country’s massive debt will continue to become larger, causing long term problems for our kids and grand kids.
Baby Boomers continue to get older
Boomers were born between the years of 1946 and 1964. They total 78 million and if you do the math, the youngest Boomer today is 50+ and getting older by the day. They will continue to put a heavy load on the Social Security system, as well as Medicare and other benefits assigned to our seniors. A lot of this group planned for their retirement, but since the 08/09 downturn, many like myself, lost over 40 to 50% of their 401K’s, IRA’s and other retirement vehicles. Many Boomers like myself will be working till the day we die, unless they can find an income stream that offers them income and security for their final years.
Now go beyond these four trends and examine additional current data available to start making immediate decisions for your future. Will you be left standing and in control of where you are headed or will you working the rest of your life for pennies on the dollar and questioning how you got in this mess?
These are problems that have to be solved because they are like dominos. Knock one over and they all start to fall. One problem begets another one.
Growing Trade Deficit
Means we are consuming way more then we produce. Like earning $ 5,000 a month and spending
$ 20,000. This leads to next PROBLEM.
Growing US National Debt
Treasury Department says that the 42 Presidents from Washington through Clinton borrowed 1.01 Trillion from foreign governments. Between 2000 through 2006, Bush’s administration borrowed 1.05 Trillion – This is more then all the previous 42 Presidents before him - combined. This leads to next PROBLEM.
Falling US Dollar
1971 Dollar converted from money to currency. Previously dollar backed by Gold. Now just an IOU from the government to the holder. Changed from Asset to Liability! Between 1996 to 2006, US Dollar has lost half of its value on the world market. Compared to Gold, which in 1996 was worth $ 250 an ounce, today it is worth $ 1600 an ounce. This leads to next PROBLEM.
Baby Boomers without Money
78 million Baby Boomers have started to retire. With 10 Trillion of Social Security debt, it means that basically there is no monthly check coming in from this entitlement service. This leads to next PROBLEM.
Entitlement Mentality
Government is basically bankrupt. House of cards. All debt and major paper assets. Following Death Loop – spend more then we earn, borrow more then we can afford and just Print more money! This leads to next PROBLEM.
Higher Oil Prices
Greed has taken over. Look at the Oil Companies profits this year alone. Higher Oil prices cause a domino effect with the previous problems. US able to borrow when Economy is growing. Other countries are open to lend if see growth. Problem with high oil prices is that they cause Economy to contract, not expand. When Economy contracting people we are borrowing from start to pull back. Bigger promises and more debt are not the answer. This leads to next PROBLEM.
Tax Breaks for the Rich
Golden rule – Man who has Gold makes the rules! Today the rich make the rules through their ability to Lobby and control government decisions. That is why they continue to grow richer at everyone else’s expense. This separation will continue to build basically two classes of people in the US – The Truly Needy and the Totally Greedy or the Have’s and the Have Not’s!
Please do your own research. I believe that once you endorse what I have been sharing with you, that it will become a platform for your future learning and potential. Don’t wait until it is too late. Do your online research and find one or more opportunities to pursue as you gain control of your future and income producing years. Your life journey on the Road of Life will be defined by your actions and their results. The only control you have of your life is today. Make today the most impactful day of your life and set your operating plan in place for long term positive results.
The four trends covered earlier and the information supporting them has spawned another trend that will impact the readers of this article directly and that trend is The Age of the Entrepreneur. It is our time if you are paying attention. Take advantage of the information and do your due diligence. Now is the time for you to shine.
James Hobart, an industry leader in the Professional Beauty Industry for more than 40 years at every level, has certification in hypnotherapy. His insight and experience have helped many companies and individuals with their growth and development over the years.
James is a talented and dynamic International Public Speaker and author, with attention focused on current market dynamics, with well thought out solutions for short and long term individual success.
James has extensive experience totaling over forty years in the Professional Beauty Industry. James started out as working owner of two very successful Redken Concept salons, has degrees in Management and Marketing from the University of Oklahoma, and has held executive positions with Redken Labs, Matrix Essentials, and numerous other companies in the industry.
James brings an additional edge to his presentations having Hypnotherapist training and certification with The Hypnosis Motivation Institute, a nationally accredited college and clinic of hypnotherapy, with the ability to help people become more successful in their personal and business lives. As author of Happiness Is Your Birthright, a practical handbook to create positive change throughout one’s life, his presentations are a must for any progressive person looking for a simpler and more effective approach to creating positive change and long term results in their daily life.
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