The key ingredients to a fulfilling life are knowing what you want, having clearly defined goals to what you want, and the discipline to live in the present moment, the now. Your goals provide direction and constructive use of your time. A clear goal accomplished in the now is living a realistic life.

We have all heard the phrase; “You live in two worlds at one time.” After nearly 40 year of spiritual searching I have reached and understanding and a feeling in this area. Along with this understanding came an unexpected bonus … an insight into the nature of “the Kingdom of Heaven.” I would like to share my understanding with you.

You live in the world of Space and the world of Time. The world of space is a constantly moving point in space called NOW. The world of time is the structure on planet earth.

The world of space is the spiritual world. It is the world you came from, the world you are in now and the world you return to when your work here is done. Your Guidance, inspiration, true feelings … everything that is real and lasting is in now. When you are living in the now, you are the best you can be at that moment.
In the now you can evaluate your words, thoughts and actions and take steps to refine yourself.

Or you can move out of the now and play the guilt and worry games. Focusing on the past or future feeds those games and there is nothing to gain from either. Well, that’s not 100% accurate. You can gain stress in your life from guilt and worry. If you become really good at guilt and/or worry, you could become resentful and create cancer in your physical body.

If you were taught that you would attain perfection “sometime in the future” or that some miracle is going to fix everything in your life you are missing the real opportunity you have to evolve and expand spiritually and materially while you are here on earth. Tomorrow brings you nothing but another opportunity. You take into tomorrow what you organize and accomplish for yourself today.

Without clear goals and an organized plan as to how to accomplish those goals in the world of time, you are always searching for fulfillment rather than creating it in the now. You need clear direction in order to live in the now. Otherwise, you stay in your intellect looking for an opportunity to be involved in life. Life is easy when you accept that you are the master of your life and use your common sense to organize yourself toward what you want.

With clear goals, you are a lean, mean spiritual accomplishing machine. When your goals are organized, you can relax and experience being one with all things in the beautiful now. You know where you are going and when you need to be there. Add self-acceptance and you have it made.

Could it be when the Master Jesus said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand,” this is what he was talking about? That when you are organized and directed, living in the now and 100% accepting of yourself as you are in this moment is living your Kingdom of Haven?

Think about it. How can you be anymore perfect than you are at this moment?

In the next moment you may attain a different level of personal perfection, but right now, you are here. And you are always here in the beautiful now doing the best you know how at this moment. No matter how many glitches you think you have, you are the perfect example of a soul with your experiences at this moment. You are the perfect you. Accepting this reality is, in my opinion, living in the Kingdom of Heaven while walking on earth.

Things never get boring in the now. As a soul your desire to grow and evolve creates new challenges and new goals. New opportunities to live, grow and evolve. It takes a little discipline to organize my wants into clearly defined goals, to live in the now and to always accept myself as I am, but it feels really peaceful and fulfilling to do so. It takes determination to ignore the old habits of self-doubt and the urges to feel guilty and worry, but it gets easier very quickly. Try it! You’ll like how you feel and who and what you attract.

Author's Bio: was founded by Melissa Kitto (new Zealand) and Richard Lassiter (USA). They have lectured and presented workshops throughout the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and the United Kingdom since 2002. Both are Certified Spiritual Consultants and Directors of Inner Peace Movement International, Inc.